Not on the job or about the job. It gets you nowhere. I know for a fact that a guy who works for me makes more than I do. Good for him. I've never made it an issue.
I vote down excessive executive pay instead and also board members who support for overpaid executives. But the deck is stacked against individual shareholders. Wrong again. Well, we don't work for them.
well to be fair, i never bitch about things that are privately managed and i never favor controlling people. for example i might bitch all damn day about religion but i never favor teaching kids in school to be atheist like me, that isnt my right. i never argue for government intervention in the affairs of private folks. if person A wants to pay person B salary X, that not something you should ever concern yourself with unless you are a part owner of the company. and the government should never be owning companies. i bitch for the rights of people to be free. you bitch about problems in order to justify larger government. i bitch to justify more freedom.
If you don't like the way the company is run sell the stock and invest in a firm with your values. You already have the power. You don't need the government to protect you from the big scary CEO.
And that's the way the system is supposed to work. Government intrusion is bad news regardless of the rationale. Which is why I say you don't own squat. You have a vote. Whoopie.
Show me one post where I have ever advocated big government. I just happen to believe that NO government is stupid.
carbon tax, government investment in new energy tech. everything else. we certainly agree there. and no one in the history of this board has argued for anarchy. we just believe that less government works better, is less intrusive, is cheaper and allows people more freedom. what exactly is your point about executive salary? some people get paid too much and others get paid too little? so what?
You miss the point, of course. Obviously I can choose what to buy or sell and I do. I only mention that I own it to counter martin's insistence that it is none of my business. It's the business of every stockholder. Executive compensation has risen far beyond reasonable levels because they lack effective checks and balances at that level. Not just in compensating themselves but for taking irresponsible risks with the assets of others as we have seen recently. Accountability is all I'm advocating here. The boards are hand picked by CEO's and they are not being responsible to the investors that they are supposed to be protecting.
fine it is your business if you own stock. but i doubt you own enough stock to make a difference. on a related note, i pay my barber too little and my landlord too much. do you care? no? of course, why would you? not a political issue.