Correction. . .as of today, the grand total is now up to 36. If you watch his show, then you have. Besides, I'm fairly certain that you've heard of CVS, Wal-Mart, Clorox, Sprint, Sargento, et al. Really? Can you prove this or did you just make that up?
How so? I think it was pretty clear what he meant. Well, I can't find any posts of yours saying that USC wasn't deserving of a share of the national championship in football last year, so should I assume that you have no objection to the idea?
I explained how so in my post. If I had read a post claiming USC deserved the 08 NC I would have vigorously disagreed.
Here is a list of the the last morons advertising with GB: Who's Still Advertising on Glenn Beck? - glenn beck - Gawker
Just when I think there's hope for you as a conservative.:dis: It's a typical left wing tactic to ignore the message and to attack the messenger. Advertisers are huge money grubbing cowards. They don't want to be accused of going along with any accusations of perceived racism. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton got rich capitalizing on this.
Bull. Criticisms of Beck are pretty pointedly based on the things he says. The messenger and the message are one in the same, and his message is pretty clear. To act like he's the victim of some terrible mischaracterization is asinine. Gee, I can't imagine what advertiser wouldn't want their product associated with such divisive and hateful rhetoric. Don't they see the great business opportunity?!
Nope. Criticisms of Beck are pretty pointedly based on the way he says things. He's a beacon for those of us who don't trust this administration's agenda and don't want the government to run our lives.
that dude has killer ratings. he wont run out of advertisers. they might not be companies with overbearing PR departments that worry about crap, but there will be advertisers. assume that beck only has racist lunatic viewers. those people need to buy things just like anyone else. and advertisers want to sell. as long as the dude has ratings it wont matter.
Hope for me being a conservative? ha Stick with your "republicans" and I'll stick with mine. Let's compare conservatives.