Good Luck getting anything done or past congress. It would take a miracle to bring college football out of the dark ages. I've given up and don't really care about the post season. I guess if enough people would quit watching the post-season and the ratings would slide the NCAA or those responsible would have to respond but right now they are too comfortable in their ways and don't want to fix it. SO I will watch the bowl games and hope USC gets waxxxed but I have a feeling that we will never hear the end of it, I'm not completely convinced OU will beat Usuck. Just praying they can be routed by OU. I'm for a playoff using the bowl system :thumb:
I, too, wish for an HONEST playoff system. But think about it. Even the computer can be swayed. Remember GIGO? (garbage in-garbage out) The computer will evaluate on what information it is given and that is done by humans. IF we go to a playoff system, that too will be headed by humans. Let's say that the top eight teams must play it off. Teams 9, 10, 11, and 12 will still be complaining about the ratings. Especially 9 & 10. As the human element, I would vote for the sec if it was ANYWHERE close. I can't imagine voting for Wisc. or someone like that over LSU, GA, TENN, AUBURN ETC. But had I lived in a different part of the USA, I probably would feel just the opposite. I would feel like they (US) were southern fanatics. (we are--thank God!)
It's like reading a gay novel... ...I think i need to puke!!!!!!!! :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
Well, it's official, awbarn can eat sh!t and die, besides OK is the same team we beat the crap out of last year, Usuck is the same team as last year, minus mike williams, so when OK stomps a mudhole in Usucks azz, everyone will know what the outcome of Usuck against our Tigers would have been. :thumb: So in closing, awbarn serves no useful purpose. :lol:
Sure there is. 7 out of 11 teams AU has played this year have losing records. The SEC is down this year. Who has GA, LSU, AU, and TN beat that's good outside of the conference? A down year for the SEC along with a ridiculously weak OOC schedule leads to a good argument why AU should be left out.