I just don't buy the being in the SEC argument, at least not this year. You see what USC did to ND, a team that beat TN (the SEC east champion.) Face it, the SEC is down this year. That's why a good AU team was able to go undefeated. GA struggled against GA Tech along with several other mediocre teams. TN struggled with Vandy and KY. Who looks impressive in the SEC besides AU? No one!
The only outrage I'm feeling is that Miami & Wisconsin lost. It would have been extra special for all of them to get 1/5th of the title. But, I'm happy, and if Auburn wants to see what it looks like, after this years useless Sugar Bowl, they can take a short trip to BR to see what real champions achieve. Outrage for Auburn........................****ing ridiculous!
I agree 100% with you. I'm laughing my ass off at Auburn right now. I just hope OU wins out and keeps it this way. Then I hope OU goes on a stomps a mud hole in USC's a$$.
I have mixed emotions about this, on one hand I want the SEC to win another championship, but the way AU fans acted before and after last years championship game they deserve to be left out. I'm leaning heavily towards screw AU!!!!!!!!!! The BCS sucks but so does Awbarn!!!!!! just ask USC. :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
Tenn. wins that game against ND if the QB doesn't go out with an injury. Clausen is not helping this team. And he probably shouldn't. They are playing with the #3 guy.
one thing I remember when I was walking through the french quarter sugar bowl weekend, was a couple of idiots with USC shirts on harassing LSU fans claiming they are the champions. when they walked by me to yell at me,I asked them why would anyone hold a championship game as the second to last game of the season, and then walked away. I think pre-ranking teams is a dumb thing to do, but you have to realize. ESPN, CBS, and ABC TV pregame and halftime programming need something to talk about. They will always want to stir the pot for ratings. high ratings = sponsors sponsors = money money = continuing to put money in everyones pocket. thoughts?
If Auburn wanted to sway some of those votes, maybe they should have played USC a decent game at least once in the home & home they played with the Trojans. Instead, they got completely punked twice, and then fell in love. Who wants to see that for your NC game? Not the coaches or the CF fan. Way to represent Auburn, you were a true embarrassment to the SEC in your series with SC. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to see you get punked for a 3rd time. So, sit back Auburn fans and watch the Sooners show you how to handle these Southern Cali feegs. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: GEAUX TIGERS & GEAUX SOONERS
LMAO at this Bullwinkle ... LMAO Auburn, especially "Big Ears" is "less than nothing" in the eyes of his peers ... The Coaches of Division I American College FB ... Nick Saban being one of those 60+ coaches who vote ... AND THEY HAVE SPOKEN ........... END OF STORY The ONLY BS is your comment that LSU could be in the same position ... ~D~E~A~D~ ~F~U~G~G~I~N~G~ ~W~R~O~N~G~ Don't lump LSU in with this Trailer Trash ... don't even fuggin' try it :dis: 1. Coach Nick Saban isn't LOWLIFE FUGGIN TRASH ... Like Tubby ... Nick and LSU garner respect through professional behavior and sportsmanship ... ON THE FIELD ... you won't catch Nick Saban talking **** after a game or having his guys (the whole fuggin AU team) smoke cigars and act like azzholes ... There have been so many Tubberville related inapropriate comments and actions ... AU is a fuggin' disgrace to the SEC Result ------------------------> LSU = 2003 National Champs Result ------------------------> AU gets to suck it ... Bigtime YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW ... CTT & AU ... REAP IT BITCHES Laughing and howling lustily seeing AU get ****shanked :lol: