There is no question that there is a "mystique" about LSU and its fans that is far different from any other school. Up here in Virginia, when I meet someone and they learn I went to LSU there is almost always a response of "Oh, hey, the Bayou Bengals. Man, I hear that is a wild place." .. or something to that effect. It feels great. Very often I have sat and swapped stories with UVA and Virginia Tech fans and it is no contest. The craziest story they can usually come up with is something like "Once I got a coke from the concession stand and it didn't have enough ice in it." or "Once we got lost coming back from Charlottesville and had to stop and ask directions." The issue of tailgating often comes up. The local folks will say, "We like to stop at the KFC in Christiansburg and get a 24-piece bucket and some cole slaw. It's a lot less crowded than the one in Blacksburg." I'll then describe the sea of grills and the smell of boudin, liquor flowing like water and sound systems blaring cajun music and LSU band tapes. I'll describe the great familial atmosphere and how when you walk through the LSU tailgating areas and you don't have a plate of food in your hand you soon will. And a beer ... or twelve. There is no question in my mind that LSU has an image around the country that conjurs up live oaks and spanish moss, cypress trees and alligators, crawfish etouffe and gumbo, Huey Long, Mike the Tiger, football at night. Thank God we are a part of that!
Even though I live in the thick of ACC country, everyone I encounter will root for LSU. Perhaps it's because Tiger fans are such enthusiastic supporters! Perhaps it's because our teams are awesome! Everyone I know will be watching and pulling for the Tigers in the NC. The image is alive - I go back to BR once a FB season to live it - start tailgatin' at 8 am. There is NOTHING like being on LSU campus before a game! I have been to one Acc football game - what a joke - the stadium only seats 35,000. They just cannot comprehend, so perhaps they root for us because they envy us!! It is SO great to be a TIGER fan! GEAUX TIGERS
It probably has a lot to do with this crappy economy we have in Louisiana. Most of the recent college graduates I know are moving out of state. So, there are a lot of native Louisianans spread all over the place. I know Houston has a ton of 'em. Hell, there were almost as many LSU fans at that LSU/Houston basketball game the other night as there were Houston fans.
I've been all over this country, to Canada and Europe and everywhere I go I meet people familiar with LSU. I always wear something with LSU on it, my golf bag is LSU and I have LSU stickers all over my truck. I meet very few people who don't like LSU, even here in Oklahoma, although that will probably change soon. I've played golf with some folks from Omaha who said that the CWS is just not the same if the Tigers aren't playing. When the softball team was here in OKC for the WCWS, the people said they had never seen anything like it. On the contrary, nobody ever asks me about OU when I tell them I live in Okla. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!! LSU, 2003 TEAM OF DESTINY!!!! :geaux: :helmet: :lsug: :helmet: :geaux:
I also wear my LSU stuff when I travel, and have gotten positive responses everywhere I have been. I went to San Diego the day after the BCS selection and got a lot of positive responses from even the USC fans. I was also in Oklahoma City the day before the Western Illinois game way back in September at a meeting with a bunch of OU folks. Before I left, I was as serious as I could be and told them I would see them at the Sugar Bowl Jan. 4. They all laughed at me. We'll see who laughs last Sunday night. Geaux Tigers!
I dont see much of it, I'm the only person at my school in VA that likes LSU, but I'm not surprised. Why do I like you all? Your jerseys are nice, I've always wanted to visit Tiger Stadium, your fans are great and loud, you have a good amount of students who travel (at least there were a good amount at VT a few years ago), you have some hot, really, really hot, coeds, your band is great, much better than ours (but we, UVA, dont have one, this year). Once I go away to college, though it probably wont be at LSU (unless they get a sport management program by the time I graduate high school) I will still try to make it to Tiger Stadium for at least one game. now off the topic, anyone see that tiny Oregon kicker flexing after he hit that feild goal to put them up by 2?