Ever been to jail??

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LSUTiga, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I almost got a MIP in 2000 as well. I was a freshman at LSU and helping carry the cooler to the tailgate. When we saw the LSUPD walking towards us my underage friend and I dropped the cooler leaving our legal friend dragging the ginormous cooler to the tailgate. The cop stopped us and asked for our IDs but since we were no longer in direct possesion of the beer, he let us go. Poor guy still had to drag the cooler from CEBA to the parade grounds. :(
  2. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    My favorite felony of hers was solicitation. Yum.

  3. LSUgirlinTx

    LSUgirlinTx Is it game time yet?

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Okay, okay, I HAD to leave that up there for a couple of minutes....:hihi:
    Solicitation? Like I'd admit to being busted for that! Besides, it was entrapment. Cop set me up. :)
    Grifting? Do people still grift anymore? It's a dying art I tell ya.

    I've never been to jail. I was once a big time party girl, but never got in trouble with the law (too fast for em') Now I'm the biggest freaking goody goody known to man. I get a small panic attack when passing Angola (it's what happens when you're an Oz addict)

    I have a good story of someone who has been....

    My husband's roomate bailed on him soph. year at LSU, so he was assigned a roomate from Maurepau (How to spell this town, I know not). Dude went home every weekend to the same bar he'd been going to since he was 12. He'd (in his words) get drunk, "f" someone's shizz up, then get laid. Good guy to have on your side...he was a tiny guy, but he was scrappy.

    So, one night he stayed in BR for a Friday night party. He leaves all the sudden and says he's going back home. Okaaay... He comes back on Sunday night and said that he went to his usual watering hole, got drunker than usual and decided to come back to the party. He gets pulled over. He told the officer "Look man, I just came back from my girl's house. I was on my way to propose, I see her in bed with some dude (this is in a small town so he applies a certain ethnicity to the alleged dude= instant sympathy from small town cop). Cop then appologises for pulling him over!!!! He says "look man, I just can't have you driving right now. How about you follow me to the station and sleep it off" So, guy follows him to the station, cop takes his keys, he begins to sleep it off in the parking lot. He wakes up and is sweating his butt off, so he goes inside and asks if he could sleep in a cell.

    So, guy is about to get a DUI (if I'm not mistaken this would have been his 2nd); whips up a great story, gets sympathy from a cop, sleeps in a holding cell but not charged with a crime.
  4. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    We know you were just kidding about the solicitation, but we can still dream, right? :hihi:

    I have a story similar to yours, but with a different twist. A friend of mine gets a DUI and spends the night in jail. At his trial, the judge throws the case out because the cop never had probable cause to pull him over (the cop admitted that he wasn't speeding or weaving etc) and there was no proof that he was DUI. The cop is pissed and damn near gets a contempt of court charge. He basically tells my friend he'll be watching him and he won't be so lucky next time. At any rate, my friend is on cloud 9 because he beat the rap, so he wants to go celebrate. While he's out, he hooks up with this girl. During the conversation on the way back to her house, she mentions that her dad's a cop. Come to find out, it's the same cop who gave my friend the DUI. So, not only did he beat the DUI rap, he ended up scoring drawers with the cop's daughter.

    True story.
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  5. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Open container last week. It was in a plastic cup and I was just walking across the street.

  6. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Turn yourself in www.irs.gov otherwise I will be foreced to make a citizen's arrest !
  7. TigerNtz

    TigerNtz Ridley

    Feb 12, 2006
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    Never been to jail... but definitely had my share of connected silver bracelets on. It seems that I can always talk my way out of the back of the po po car.
  8. Crystal_lsu

    Crystal_lsu Founding Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    DWI 2001...who would have thought?? I only had one drink, but since i was underage it didn't take much...Cop was a total prick...made me walk the line in 4 inch stilettos :dis: and I thought that saying the ABC thing backwards was just like a joke...they really expect you to do that!!! Like I told him, I couldnt do that sober and I wanted to see him try it. He was a meanie bo beanie, but the guy with the rubber glove was surprisingly gentle lol...:lol:
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  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    That is funny!

    I sure couldn't say the ABC's backwards sober either. I can't believe they actually asked that as a field sobriety test. I was an auxillary officer for a time and you'd be surprised, when asked to say their ABC's, how many drunks will skip on and swear they didn't when it's pointed out. That's ABC's...forwards, not backwards.
  10. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Really? Where? I've been all over the place, and have never seen an open container rule enforced.

    OH, that reminds me of a great story. Two buddies and I were riding down Nicholson, heading south to go mud riding in a Jeep. I was 21, the driver was 20 and the other 19. The 19 y/o (his jeep) was pretty loaded and in the back. The driver and I were in pretty good shape.

    So the driver decides to use the shoulder to pass a car that's turning left. And the blue lights light up. I almost freak out, realizing that we had a six pack of 16 oz. beers in the vehicle. I couldn't remember what the law was, but I figured you can't possibly get in trouble for having empty cans in a car, which I actually think is inaccurate.

    Anyway, I asked that the driver take his time slowing down, since I had to get rid of the beers. He thought I was going to toss them, which would have been too obvious (and a horrible waste.) SO, I crouched down in the seat so he couldn't see from behind and slid them all to me. Chugged 5 in a row (already had one, and snagged the youngun's beer), crushed the cans and jammed them under the seat.

    Pretty soon the cop came to the window, and remarked that it smelled like beer. I laughed pretty hard, and explained that I had been drinkin' and had spilled some on my shirt. Inexplicably, this worked completely. No ticket, no field sobriety test, nothing.

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