Ever been to jail??

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LSUTiga, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    The New Orleans cops arrested me and one of my buddies and 2 of the guys that we were fighting (there were actually alot more involved in the fight, but the cops seemed content with 2 from each side). I guess the cops were bored and decided to put the 4 of us in the same cell (along with a bunch of other criminals). The 4 of us were given yellow bracelets and the other criminals were all wearing orange bracelets. I asked one of the ethnic criminals why all of the white guys had on yellow bracelets and the brothers had orange bracelets. "Orange means felony" he said. So I was in a cell with 20 felons and 2 dudes we just got done squabbling with.......AND I was beginning to sober up.

    Good times.
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  2. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Hows the backside feel? :eek:
  3. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I was areested for a DUI and a few other obsurd charges. They put me in the wagon to transport me to another jail in BR after staying at the 1st one for 5 hours. I was handcuffed in between two guys who kept yelling at the police that the crack pipe wasnt theirs.

    I have never been locked up in OPP and I dont plan to either based on the stories my oldest brother talks about. He is an angry/funny guy which in itself makes him racist at times. He was locked up in a cell by himself and the other black guys around the prison were yelling stuff at him all night. My brother doesnt know how to keep his mouth shut and made them come at him more and more. They were throwing their bars of soap at him from their cells. When he was being escorted out they continued to throw them and he yelled " I suggest you use that soap to clean your rancid monkey asses". :hihi: Again, my brother is the racist one, not me.
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  4. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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  5. Tiger Dabbs

    Tiger Dabbs T.D.

    Oct 30, 2002
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    My lawyers have advised me to not comment at this time.:redface:
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  6. LSUtiger327

    LSUtiger327 Pow right in da kissa

    Nov 10, 2004
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    i once chaperoned a field trip to angola.
    yeah, i'm that hard!!!:hihi:

    also i bailed a friend out at 3 am at opp. now that's the meaning of friendship ( i was living in metairie at the time).

    but other than cops making me pour out beer when i was 16, i haven't had too many runs ins with law enforement.
  7. LSUfan71

    LSUfan71 Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    My first semester in '89: I was in Tiger Band and a fellow HS band member visited. We celebrated by getting waisted (of course). We ended up at the band practice field near Kirby Smith at 3am. He left his car out on the road (the one that runs from Highland between the Burger King and the fire station) with both doors open and the stereo blaring. After marching Pregame (I'm sure it was very entertaining to any sober observers:)) we climbed to the top of the director's tower with a case of beer. Never noticed LSUPD approaching.....:(

    No charges filed but we didn't leave the LSU police station until about 6am.
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  8. 2arms2legsTIGER

    2arms2legsTIGER Founding Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Very similar experience. Back when I was 18 I was in a bar that the cops raided. For some reason they decided to take myself and a few friends (I didn't even have a drink in my hand). They cuffed us and put us in the back and brought us to central on Broad St. Although I was pretty blitzed, they never once checked our breath or blood for alcohol (I guess they figured pulling us out of a bar was sufficient evidence?). After going through processing they shoved us into a big cell with about 10 other, umm criminals. Over the course of about 2 hours another 10 people were thrown in too, to the point where there was no room to sit for some and this caused a sort of problem b/c if a new guy was bigger than you and he wanted your seat, you had two choices. Out of all these people in the cell other than us, there were 3 other crackers. We too had the colored bracelets. I remember one guy with an orange bracelet explaining that he was in there b/c he broke into some rivals house to steal his crack and he got cornered so he picked up the guys baby and stuck his pistol up to its head and threatened to kill the baby if they didn't let him out. There is nothing like having a hangover set in around this crowd in a prison cell in New Orleans at about 4:30am (We were taken in around 11pm). By 7am they finally split us into two groups, those of us that were "catch and release" and those that were getting issued the orange jump suits and "going" upstairs to Templeman III. Thankfully I was "catch and release". Out of the 6 or so white guys in there all but one were let go.

    The other group of guys were obviously college underclassmen from "out of town" and I still remember to this day the wide eyed fear on the kid's face that was separated from his buddies to go change into an orange suit while they got let go. Last I saw of him he was in a room separated by a glass window, being issued an orange jump suit, and looking at his friends through the window with a ghost white "good bye" expression across his face. I doubt any amount of money could have convinced me to trade places with him. All the charges were dropped b/c I was of legal age to be in the bar, was never seen with any alcohol, and the idiots never performed any kind of sobriety test. So basically these a-hole cops just ruined a perfectly good night, wasted their own time as well as the courts, and produced meaningless paperwork for some clerk. Like N.O. doesn't have bigger fish to fry than some 18 and 19 year olds drinking some beer in an establishment. I seriously question to this day, whether those cops ever manned up and went after real criminals or if they just busted school aged kids that they knew were low risk.
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  9. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    This is a great thread. I never knew there were so many criminal degenerates on TF. :hihi:

    I've toured a few prisons, but that's the extent of my incarceration experience. I've avoided it a couple of times with some smooth talking, but none better than this time in the Quarter:

    Some friends and I were standing outside the Gold Mine, and a NOPD cruiser slowly drove by. The cops were just staring at us with that typical NOPD Neanderthal look. I yelled for them to go **** themselves, and was aghast to see their brake lights flash, and the car go into Park.

    The cops got out and came right to us. "Which one of you is the loudmouth?" I calmly asked what he was referring to, and he repeated my above quote. Now, I had seen a guy go into the Gold Mine that had been a real jackhole all night, the kind you just hate to be around. SO, I said, "Oh yea, I heard that too. The guy that yelled it just went into Gold Mine. He was wearing (insert description, I don't remember)."

    To my complete surprise, they said OK and proceeded to go into Gold Mine. After about 3 minutes, they came out with this guy by the collar. As they made their way to the cruiser, they engaged in a bit of NOPD brutality, threw him in the back, and drove off.

    I was alternatively appalled and thoroughly impressed with myself on that one.
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  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Most people have made mistakes/bad decisions at one time or another growing up. :thumb:

    That was quick thinking! :hihi:

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