ESPN slams fans for leaving early

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by BostonBengal, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. CajunPunk

    CajunPunk TF's Resident Realist

    Dec 3, 2005
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    So were those of us too poor to make it to a game these days. Had I been there, I wouldn't have left.
  2. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    The temptation would be great but that would be all the motivater I need...

    I'll be sure to get tickets for the next Troy Thriller. :wave:
  3. ccgw

    ccgw luv'em Tigers

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Clair, you hit it on the nail!:thumb:
  4. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I agree...the fans that left are an embarrassment. Like others have said, I would have LOVED to have been there.

    CP can testify, I listened to the whole game, and followed along in chat. I said at halftime that LSU would win, and I truly believed it. I kept referencing the Houston game in '95, when Kevin Faulk ran wild to bring LSU back. I didn't know who was gonna take over and do it this game, but it turns out it was the WHOLE TEAM...which is even better than one man stepping up.

    Now when Troy drove the field to open the second half...I admit I had my doubts at that point. I had stated that we would shut them out in the second half, and win going away. But I stayed with the team...and would have done the same in Tiger Stadium.
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  5. Andouille

    Andouille Guest

    The way LSU played in the 1st half was embarrassing.

    Everyone deals with LSU in their own way. For me, it hurts to watch the Tigers play so poorly. I would have left at half as well.

    It was also cold and I think most people people probably underestimated how cold it would be. Many people have wives, friends and kids with them would aren't as die hard. They're superposed to make them sit in freezing cold weather for a team that's showing no heart and getting their asses beat by a far inferior team?

    I'm happy the Tigers pulled the win out but they never should have gotten so far behind in the first place. It was probably good that most fans had left because it made these young Tigers realize that they can't always rely on the energy of Tiger stadium to gut out a victory. They have to dig deep within their hearts and be self-motivated and win ball games
  6. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    bingo. i was bundled up, or so i thought, but the wind was still god awful!
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    First of all, fan's leaving early happens everywhere. It certainly does at USC, who doesn't even fill its stadium at times. I've watched Bama fans, Auburn fans, Florida fans pouring out in the second half.

    I hate to see it, but it happens all over. For every rabid fan in the stadium is a sorority girl, a child, or a disgruntled wife who doesn't really care if they are there or not. The Big Fans let themselves be dragged out by the non-fans when the game is surely won or surely lost. They are the losers when they miss historic comebacks like this one.

    This game had two other factors that we don't see very much.

    1. The normally pumped-up Tigers were so uninspired and flat for the entire first half, that many fans were angered and couldn't watch it anymore. Fans are very forgiving of teams that play their hearts out and lose. But when they sleepwalk and lose, many fans will vote with their feet.

    2. It was really friggin' cold and unexpectedly so. The temperatures were projected to be in the 50's but most people had no idea that the wind was going to be so strong and steady. The wind chill had to be over 20 degrees, it felt like it was in the 30's and it was a penetrating wind. Heaven help the folk in the upper decks, it was bad enough in the lower bowl.

    People badly underdressed. Many foolish people in shirtsleeves and miniskirts were gone by the second quarter and the rest by halftime. Most of the rest were in light LSU jackets and sweaters without winter hats or gloves. Many didn't last. No one was wearing long underwear or parkas and few brought blankets.

    I was wearing a fleece jacket with a good windbreaker over it, a wooly cap and gloves and I was wishing I had wool socks and another layer on by the 4th quarter.
  8. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I left in the beginning of the 4th because I bring my kids to the out of conference games. Mainly because we have extra tickets that no one wants for those games and the crowd is scaled down so it is easier to handle the kids.

    Last night they were freezing and passing out in their blankets in the stands. So I left which I suspect many did for the same reasons minus the great number of idiots cursing the team while storming out.

    Plus I knew LSU was going to win and I wanted to catch the last 7 minutes in the car.

    BTW, I was in shorts and t-shirt with a LSU windbreaker. Oh and ankle socks. I would have stayed to the end if it wasn't for the kids. At least my wife was smart enough to bundle the kids up and bring blankets.
  9. 65Grad

    65Grad Maturity is Overrated

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Outstanding point!:thumb:
  10. cajunchilipeper

    cajunchilipeper V-I-C-T-O-R-Y FOR L-S-U

    Nov 12, 2008
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    Being there was much harder than it seems... you are freezing your a$$ off.... its Homecoming.... and you are getting beat like Tulane in there last 2 Homecoming games.... I generally leave games that we are winning and looks as if it will stay that way.... because it is hell getting off campus at the end of the game.... It is a hike back to the car.... then you are sitting in traffic for about an hour just to get back on Interstate..... then I have to make the commute back to New Orleans... which after tailgating all day is hard in itself... I have been going to games since I was a baby.... and I have sat thru it all... I was there when Bama beat us in the freezing cold and rain.... and I was there in the blazing heat of the first 10am game in Tiger Stadium.... I guess I am spoiled because I am lucky to have season tickets... but when it is so cold you can barely feel your toes and you are getting beat on every play I can understand why people would leave... and I think most left in the 2nd Q when Lee threw that Interception for the TD.... it was disheartening.... all I have to say no matter no matter what V-I-C-T-O-R-Y for L-S-U

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