We were talking about this in the chatroom last night. Did the game have that 1980s feel to it. The color was horrible, the clock was all fuzzy in the score box. With what Tigervision charges and what Gameplan charges you would think they would be able to get some updated equipment.
I was at the game, so I didn't see it. I did tape the ULL game earlier this year and it was just awful. Reminds of local high school football broadcasts. And that Nadeau (sp?) dude really sucks. I assume he did the game last night?
I think that was an understatement! THe production was worse than prior Tigervision productions with non professional camera work. For a long time the camera was zoomed in on, of all the people, Ogeron instead of the teams on the field. Several times you missed the entire play, or they zoom into the eyes of the punt returners' , and missing the whole field. You never see that kind of work from any other football coverages, maybe not even the HS football games!