To each his own. Divergent opinions make for scintillating debate. :thumb: Give me a player who scores the TD, hands the ball to the ref and goes to his sideline to celebrate with teammates. To see a player make a fool of himself after making a play just shows that he's all about himself.
I agree with SF here. The NFL aint like it use to be. Its kinda like the new army slogan, Army of one! Thats what it all seems to be about these days, the individual. I miss the good ole days!
That's because he hasn't seen the endzone much. :hihi: Not trying to disrespect him, as I love the guy...I'm just a little bitter that I picked him as my 2nd WR in Fantasy Football and haven't seen many happy returns this season.
No doubt about it the Meshawns and Owens of the NFL make it hard to watch. It's getting more and more like NBA thug ball every day but there are still many players in the NFL that have class and believe that the team is more important than the individual, but there numbers are indeed shrinking.
Hell, I like both kinds of players. The clowns are funny and creative, and the guys that act like they've been there are nice too. Some guys LIKE to see their teammates do the individual's fun for them too. I just don't see it as such a big turn-off. I can see how it would push someone over the edge to not liking the NFL, if they were already predisposed to not liking them. But oh well, their loss (IMO.)
Like Deacon Jones, or Hollywood Henderson or Mark Gastineau or Lyle Alzado. Or maybe Drew Pearson? Just to name a few that liked to celebrate...
White Shoes Johnson - that was a GREAT end zone celebration ! NoLimit, i'm with you on this ! I don't see how someone can be a football fan and dislike the NFL. I personally prefer College over the NFL, but I enjoy both. The people with the "good riddance" attitudes may get their wish - and thats a shame. The fact that the team leaving will be a net financial loss to the state, despite LA not having to pay the subsidy, means nothing to them. We NEED the NFL ! God, I hate Benson !
There's just no excitement in the NFL. To me anyway. The same 8 teams or so will always be at the top and the rest will always be wannabes. I try to watch but I just can't get into it. God knows ESPN trys like hell to act like it's the only sport being played at the moment, but I just can't get excited. (and, what is this preoccupation with all things Eagles and Vikes?). I don't even check the NFL standings, anymore. It's like the NHL to me.