Your hypocrisy is sickening. Over the last six years your fanbase (and you especially) have done nothing but laugh, poke fun and wallow in every little bad thing that happened to Bama. Now you're calling WHO a hypocrite for doing the same to you? As long as you're on the good side it's fun isn't it? It's fun gettin' on message boards with other fanbases who's team is having success and making fun of Bama isn't it? Or should I say WASN'T it? Well now that the ass kicking boot is on the other foot how fun is now there hoss? Not too funny anymore is it? If you're going to openly wallow in other's failures while your team is up then you have to be a man, suck it up, stop crying and take a dose of your own medicine. Sucks don't it? :thumb: ROLL TIDE!!! 36-0 just in case you forgot. DISCLAIMER: This was not intended for DECEKS7. He's a class act.
As the sportswriter for the Des Moines Register so aptly put it this morning regarding Chizik: "It's hard to see him jumping on a Harley-Davidson when he couldn't steer a moped."
Not exactly receiving a warm reception:,128957
What in the world is AU thinking? They get rid of Tubs to hire this guy? Unbelieveable--but I suppose that's what a school gets when they fire a coach with a record like Tuberville's. To the Miles critics out there, take note, as well. When LSU fired Charlie Mac in 1979 (for no reason other than "he was boring" and "he couldn't beat the Bear"), it took LSU until 2000 to get back a winning program. This could be the start of a long, bleak period for AU.
Bill Arnsparger had a winning LSU program in the 80's, but he didn't stay long enough and then foisted Mike Archer upon us. If Bo Rein had lived things might have been very very different at LSU.
I have no idea what went down but I'm beginning to wonder if Tuberville didn't indeed catch all by surprise and step down like the Pres. and AD claim. Maybe he saw the writing on the wall and didn't want his legacy at Auburn to be tarnished knowing he'd be having a tough road against Bama now. On the other hand, I realize that Auburn has boosters that are very influential and don't mind flexing their muscle ("You're clear to land on runway 45 ... over.") . Certainly possible these guys wanted Gene all the way because of his role in the undefeated season. Wan't his name mentioned as a possible DC at LSU when it looked like ISU was going to fire him ?
Good point but their official position is that to their surpise and dismay, he resigned. Maybe Lowder just really likes Tubby and wanted him to be rich?:grin: