Is that the same Nebraska that fired their coach after the season and went after Houston Nutt of the SEC? And yes LSU was not a real good team in 2002 and lost to an average Texas team in a year that LSU as the 4th or 5th best team in the SEC Which SEC teams did the P(ussy)AC 10 play, was it the top teams or bottom teams? Had all the SEC teams played Arizona we could be 100-0 against the pus pus 10. I also never said the last 2 USuCk seasons were a fluke in fact the condoms have a pretty good team it's just they don't play against enough quality competition to tell how good or if they could sustain the quality play against top notch competiton week in and week out. Thats right 4 SEC teams earned the right to be in a tournament of the top 8 teams in the nation where only one can win, funny I didn't see USuCk there. Thats the difference between football and baseball in the NCAA, you have to play and win to earn the right to move to the next game in baseball while in football you can dodge competition(see USC) and have a bunch of hacks that don't even watch the games vote you in as champions. USuCk better hope the NCAA never approves a playoff in football. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:
Hmm...I interpret "best" games as being "somewhat competitive." Perhaps because the best SEC team versus the 3/4th best Pac-10 team is going to be at least a 3-4 touchdown blowout, ESPN doesn't think it one of the "best" games this year. LSU 34 Oregon St.13 That doesn't sound too competitive to me, whereas USC facing a team that normally plays well early in the year and will have a decided home field advantage is more competitive. Makes sense to me.
re "in fact the condoms have a pretty good team it's just they don't play against enough quality competition to tell how good or if they could sustain the quality play against top notch competiton week in and week out." BUt if that were the case, that they built up their record against weak pac10 competition, then surely they would be exposed in their bowl game against allegedly "real, non-pac10" competition, right? Wrong. 2003 orange bowl against the big10 co-champs: SC 38, Iowa 17 (wasnt even THAT close). 2004 Rose bowl against big champs Michigan: SC 28, Michigan, 14. And Ohio state hasnt beaten SC since the 70's. Guess your theory isnt quite right. Try again. Oregon state probably wont beat u, theyve lost their top10 nfl draft pick stephen jackson and suck on the road (havent won in the coliseum since, well, the 60's). But u guys lose mauck and I doubt you will be co national champs again, so who knows. OSU has maybe a 15-25% chance at beating u in BR. By the way, the SEC teams played by the pac10 were Bama, by ucla in i think 2000 and 2001, Auburn by SC in 02 and 03, and MSU by Oregon the last 2 seasons as well. Future matchups include SC playing arkansas, and arizona and asu will both play LSU, just off the top of my head.
Hi, there Trojan Buddy, welcome to our board Congratulations on your AP National Championship last year ... just tell Pete Carroll to keep mauling those cupcakes and maybe you get to see LSU in the Orange Bowl this year ... but with an SOS ranked out of the top 50 ... you'll probably get screwed by the BCS again in 2004 ... gotta get that SOS down to something respectable ... like playing in a non-cupcake conference like the SEC ... :hihi:
orange bowl Yeah, wish we could play more SEC teams like auburn the past couple years, we'd be national champs every season. Oh dont worry, we will be in the orange bowl, mike williams or not. You on the other hand, the closest you'll get to it is when you go to gainesville to get slapped around by Florida again.
October 12th, 2002: LSU Tigers versus Florida Gators Gainesville, Forida - Florida Field (The Swamp) This week's embarrassment came courtesy of unheralded Matt Mauck and No. 18 LSU. The Tigers intercepted Rex Grossman four times and scored in almost every way imaginable for a 36-7 victory. Yeah, that was with an average quarterback with as much experience as Marcus Randall and after the loss of Rohan Davey and Josh Reed AND before the defense even came close to the monster it was last year. As for 2003....can you say fluke? I'm not saying it won't happen again. College football is odd like that. However...recent history is not favorable to your predicted outcome. Thank you, come again.
Oh no, Big Bill, we're just TERRIFIED of your GREAT TEAM with that HORRIBLE lockstep Nazi fight song ....the single most ANNOYING thing about college football next to the 'Holes tomahawk chop... ....we're just happy to play you in Miami instead of the ghetto you play in...with your squeaky clean Biff and Buffy fan sets mixed in with the local low-riders and thugs... So which one are you, Big Bill??? The preppy or the thug? I'm SURE you'll tell us..... DIDN"T DA RAIDUHS USTA PLAY IN THAT HOLE TOO??????? ...and those fans are OH SO LOYAL, aren't they Big Bill????? Why is it I ALWAYS SEE EMPTY SEATS AT THE MAUSOLEUM ON MY TV, BILL????? WHY IS IT BIG BILL????? BECAUSE NO ONE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CARES ABOUT FOOTBALL, BIG BILL - >>>>> THAT"S WHY!!!!!! Oh while you're BORING all of us, great job by your non-participation in the CWS, ALONG WITH ALL THE REST OF THE AWESOME PAC-10... ...not even the formerly ranked #1 mighty Cardinal from Stanfoo... Just keep telling yourself how good your team looks, Bill.... Because next January we'll smash that thing to pieces in Miami...
IMO, you're getting worked up over nothing here, bayareatiger. I don't see this as giving LSU no respect, but rather a game where the beavs are a bit outmatched. Why let little things like this get you all bent out of shape?
I - just TELL ME - I GOTTA KNOW.... Why is Notre Dame mentioned TWICE????? ...and if THAT is the extent of their "competitive" out-of-conference schedule... ...then what does THAT say about the MIGHTY PAC-10?????? I am TIRED of the local left-coasters ALWAYS talking about "East Coast Bias"... ...which is just plain WHINING to me....