where have you got this info from...The game will most likely be on ESPN and will be a night game!!!! I don't know where you got your info from (unless I missed something) but the game will most likely be at night on ESPN.
I figured that if ESPN game day with herbstriet and company had it it would be a day game. Isn't that how it normally works and other ESPN coverage is at night. The web site at www.lsusports.net still shows TBA so I don't know anything about a official time or coverage
The OSU game is at night, but I could give a Phuck about the ESPN gameday crew. All are a bunch of LSU hatin, Trojan lovin B**ches.
if I'm not mistaken they're in studio for the first week or so of the season? If I recall in 2002 Corso picked LSU to play for the National Championship on a Thursday night from Bristol. I think this was the thursday before the LSU/VT game which was on a Sunday. I don't think they "traveled" for that weekend. I may be wrong, though. You can never tell with them, though. I remember them going to Harvard for the Harvard/Colgate game in 2002.
Maybe we should make this a sticky thread, else this post will come up about once a week until July, complete with the same questions over and over and over... Anyway, OSU-LSU is a near lock to be a night game. Why? For starters, CBS doesn't begin their national SEC broadcasts that early in the year (earliest game set at this time is Sept. 18). As stated previously in this thread, no other game played that day comes close to a matchup between a Top 5, defending Nat'l Champ LSU and a likely #20-25 ranked OSU team, so CF GameDay comes here. And, yes, they do begin broadcasts on location "that early" in the season. They went to Columbus for an OSU game last August, for crying out loud. If it's ESPN, it'll be at night. ESPN broadcasts Big Ten/East coast games to start the day and always show their SEC games at night. Think Sept. 4 is gonna be fun in Baton Rouge? Season opener versus a Top 25 team, GameDay "in da house", probably a pregame ceremony formally unveiling the National Championship flag...yeah, it'll be a rocking good time come THAT Saturday night! :thumb:
You're right! I remember CGD in C-bus last year. It was the day of the ULM game and they hda M. Clarett on set. Yea, can't imagine why they wouldn't come. Especially after last year when Fowler turned around to the crowd and said, "I can't beleive it took 7 years to get back to Baton Rouge..." I've never responded, nor witnessed a response to the playing of a Garth Brooks song like when they cued the first few chords of "Calling Baton Rouge"...
Over the years, College GameDay has gone on the road more and more. I think we've got a good chance of getting them for the OSU game.
I remember Corso being in Shreveport on a Thursday night to open the season for the Miami/LA Tech game. Can't remember if they started Gameday that Saturday or not.
The Gameday crew is always at the Thursday night ESPN game, then they journey either to Bristol or their on-campus location.