EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by XXL TideFan, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Others disagree with the National Black Chamber of Commerce:

  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    What, your lust for controversy? When one reads Free Speech Alley it is right in their face.

    So you don't take constructive criticism well. I'll continue to read whatever you post, I have a lust for those that have a lust for controversy. Or I just happen to spend quite a lot of time on Free Speech Alley and you are quite a regular poster.

    Did Jon Stewart say that? Must have missed that night, but I'm glad you're keeping tabs on it. I do have an insatiable desire for news that isn't propaganda driven as I am not in the thick of things of global and national importance/interest. Perhaps I can turn to you for the cold hard facts.

    Must have missed that post. Darn. :hihi:

    OK, you're not a hypocrite. Except that if you hated them both within 2% of one another, why not vote third party?

    On occasion I suppose I do. That doesn't mean I condone hypocrisy.

    More or less, maybe.

    YouTube - McCain Jokes About Suicide Bombers
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    wonderful. now that is out of the way and we can stick to issues.

    good i am glad that is settled. we agree cable news is terrible. lets give ourselves an award.

    well, i did vote ron paul in the primary. and the difference is small, but meaningful in some ways. like i said, i dont think mccain would favor this crazy climate bill, and that makes a big difference. i also do not think mccain would be taxing and spending quite this much. i could be wrong. and again, i am certainly not saying mccain is good. mostly i am saying that obama is terrible, and is doing terrible things. do you agree with the cliamte bill?

    people say that republicans are hypocrites alot. i dont see why they care. like if the republican guy opposes gay rights, and is himself secretly sucking dongs at the airport, i dont care. his policy is all that matters. his personal problems are not an issue. i dont care how many dongs he sucks. if gov sanford moralizes about nonsense, he is an idiot, whether he personally has his house in order is of no concern to me. if you oppose legalizing drugs, the fact that you smoke themself is not relevant to me. a given political stance is right or wrong regardless of the personal issues of the person favoring it.

    policy matters, not personal hypocrisy.

    also i dont get the relevance of your youtube mccain clip. guy made a bad joke, dont care. is that supposed to hurt our national image or some nonsense? again, my point is that in the real world national image doesnt matter much. nobody cares that obama is a sweetheart or whatever. they will still trade with us and deal with us and cooperate or not cooperate based on their national interests.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    you are wrong. cap and trade is a massive, massive, massive huge big government freedom crushing boondoggle that will harshly punish the americans who can least afford it.

    it will raise energy costs enormously, it kills american jobs, it is a huge tax increase, it does nothing for the envoronment, carbon isnt really dangerous, it invites massive fraud and corruption and crushes the economy at exactly the wrong time.

    do you think for example, that india and china wont be happy to replace all the carbon that we reduce (which we wont reduce anyways, europe has cap and trade and they are increasing carbon output, not that carbon even matters)
  5. DRC

    DRC TigerNator

    Oct 11, 2003
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    It has value when it comes to enlisting the help of our allies. I would think if we are on good terms and in good standing they are more likely to assist on difficult foreign policy issues.
    1 person likes this.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    which of our allies are so petty that they do not act in their own best interests but instead make decisions designed to punish us for not projecting the proper image?

    even if america were run by thugs, like russia, it wouldnt matter much.

    freaking saddam would make zillion dolalr deals with european countries while he gassed kurds. nobody cares.

    do you think, for example, if north korea invaded south korea, and we wanted to help, that other countries are saying "well, now that america has the half black jesus we will help them help south korea"

    the national image thing is a media generated nonsense.
  7. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    i have no idea if this bill is good or not, but unlike everyone else i admit it. it is not my job. and, amazingly, i am not arrogant enough to think that i can understand this complex issue by dedicating 10 minutes of watercooler chat time to it.

    in the end im ok with the bill. im willing to give up $1000 or so (as tirk showed) to attempt to not screw up the earth as much.

    unfortunately we will likely never know how good this bill is. if global warming is real and if it wanes because of the bill's measures, then the GOP will say it was all weather cycles.
  8. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    "the national image thing" seemed to bite tony blair in the a$$
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Same old rant. No cause and effect. No examples. No cost/benefit analysis. Sorry we don't have to buy it if you can't be more convincing than just using inflammatory rhetoric.

    Answer me this: Why did cap-and-trade work so effectively to diminish acid rain? Industry lobbyists bitched then too and made dire warnings of disaster that did not come to pass, like they always do. But the plan worked. Sulphur emission have been steadily reduced and it did not drive industry overseas or put millions on the street. They modernized plants gradually at their own pace using cap and trade. They would have to do this periodically to keep up with the market anyway and they were able to use the incentives to move to greener processes at the same time.

    Some old 19th century high-sulphur coal mines were closed and jobs were lost, but more jobs were created at new low-sulphur coal mines out west and the then-failing railroad industry was basically saved by bulk-load coal hauling on new triple and quad tracked main lines out of Wyoming bringing coal east to the cities.

    $ Billions in environmental remediation were saved because the new strip mines out west efficiently attacked coal beds on the prairie 40 feet thick instead of 18 inched thick beds in the mountains. Few streams are polluted in that arid climate and the prairie can be restored to near perfect condition unlike a mountain that has been beheaded.

    Your dire disaster warnings never address the potential benefits and savings, only its up-front costs.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Do you watch the news? Have you watched the coalition put together after 9/11 fall apart as our allies grew disenchanted with "imperial" American policies. Even the British have grown disenchanted and cannot be counted on to go to war with us next time, like they always have been. It cost Tony Blair his job. They are acting in their best interests because we no longer make them feel that we are looking out after them.

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