EPA's own research expert 'shut up' on climate change

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by XXL TideFan, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Then show us the bill.

    I've answered your questions in length and you still evade talking issues. Go mock and jeer yourself for a while. You bore me. You got nuthin'.
  2. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Congressmen didn't read it and they passed so I feel like I can oppose it without reading it. 300 some amendments got tacked on at 3 am the day of the vote. What's actually in the bill is apparently irrelevant. BHO wants it and he wants it NOW.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    you did? i didnt require "length" i was asking a specific question with a specific answer.

    yes or no. would you have voted for the climate bill?

    what issues am i supposed to talk to you about? you have no position!

    you apparently have no principles and cannot be bothered to take a position. honestly it strikes me as extraordinarily cowardly. but thats what people do today. they dont take a stand, they have no principles. they go where the wind blows them. if a leader that is loved enough by the masses and the media says something, they go along. this of course ruins folks and makes the world worse, but these people are selfish. they only care about the way they want to think of themselves. the way they want to be percieved.

    then ignore me. (i dont bore you. you talk to me more than anyone)

    you dont bore me, you fascinate me. a perfect example of how people are wrong and wishy-washy and why. because they dont think, they are too scared.

    we both know the text will not, and can not be realistically read by red, it is just an excuse to not answer.


    i can hear you already: "i cant read a thousand pages and make a decision! but dont put words in my mouth"
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I just stated it in Post 29 above, are you determined to make a complete fool of yourself?

    Meaningless blather. More jeering and mocking. It's a poor substitute for logic.

    No, I like to let you hang yourself with your own illogic and be a deplorable debater. I'm an enabler.

    I know.

    I already answered--Post 29. My answers are mine, they aren't designed to please you.

    What we haven't heard are your responses as to why cap and trade can't meet its goals . . . or why its "bad" since it worked as advertised with acid rain . . . or why it you think it will send business overseas . . . or why you think its virtues are outweighed by its faults. It is you that can't answer questions, martin. Everyone can see this.

    No, you can't hear squat. It will obviously take some time to read a 1200-page document and I'm pretty busy. But I guarantee I'll finish it before you would ever even start it.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    ok, on the question, would red have voted in favor of or in opposition to the recent climate bill his answer is, as stated in post 29. the answer, was "yes". or maybe "no". those were the options:

    perhaps i wasnt clear with my question? do you favor the recent bill?

    again, i encourage you to use my template:

    1. yes
    2. no
    3. i cannot decide, it depends on how the polls go, oops i mean "how the actual proposal turns out"

    you should be a coach:

    "coach red, should we kick the fieldgoal?"

    "depends if we make it or not!"

    " we dunno yet. the kick is 70 yards, so it seems unlikely"

    "we cant know, dont be an extremist, lets wait and see."

    "understood...i guess. so should we send out the kicking unit or not?"

    "yeah but dont, take the kicker and prepare him for anything"

    "so we are kicking?"

    "you havent told me the evidence, what are your arguments?"

    "but we are asking you!"

    'stop acting like children, i cant be bothered to know the percentages"

    OK. now lets review my prediction:

    "i cant read a thousand pages and make a decision"

    actual answer:

    "It will obviously take some time to read a 1200-page document and I'm pretty busy"

    hey red, i have question for you. would have voted for the recent climate bill, yes or no?

    let me put it another way.

    my representative, carolyn maloney, democrat, upper east side of manhattan and northwest queens, voted for the climate bill. i disagree with her vote.

    your representative, republican bill cassidy, baton rouge, voted against the bill. is that good or bad, in your opinion?
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    could this end up being the most important piece of legislation in our generation? looks like it if it passes.

    from what Ive read it:

    Kills authority of state and local govts
    Requires massive cost increases in electricity, gas and oil.
    Regulates water, air and basically production in general on most every level
    Many more taxes
    Millions of jobs gone.

    Apparently, the costs of owning any home will dramatically increase--by mandating californias crazy and expensive building codes for the entire country. this was added as an amendment in the last hour, as sabanfan alluded--before one person voting for it could read it- much like the stimulus bill.

    i think on top of every ridiculous piece of insanity here, that bothers me the most. the fact they vote this crap in w/o even giving us the common decency of a mirage and pretending to have read it. can they be anymore egregious to the duties they were sworn to uphold? unfathomable to me.

    looking to buy a new house:

    does this really need to be explained how bad this is?

    looking to sell a current one:

    so, if you're strapped for cash and need to sell your home how in the hell are you going to afford upgrades.

    the value of your home is clearly diminished because of some assessment imposed by some federal agency? then having to incur major upgrade costs in hopes of improving it.

    what the phuck is going on here.

    building a home:

    anyone else scared yet? this is much more frightful than global warming on every level. the federal government completely trumps local building codes here. then they are going to assess penalties to local builders.

    at least he was honest about how bad this was before the election:

    hopefully the phucking senate gets the message this just cant be passed. its beyond comprehension.
  8. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I havent read the entire thing but i can assure you from simply one or two excerpts, I can easily determine theres no way in hell a non-radical could agree to this. not if they are intellectually honest with a decent understanding of the economy.

    It is so fundamentally and diametrically opposed to anything and everything regarding a free market, it cant be overstated.

    the federal govt is attempting to control every aspect and facet of our lives. And succeeding.
  9. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    That metallic rattle we all heard was congress reaching for the handle and voting for this bill. When you hear the loud swoosh of our country going down the toilet, you will know the new filibuster proof senate passed it also.

    Watching anyone defend what just happened to us is almost funny, except none of us will be laughing before long.

    Absolutely amazing. Where is my father's generation when you need them?
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    how could you guys know you oppose this bill without reading it?

    if i had a 200 page book describing exactly how i was gonna punch you in the face, would you be opposed to my implentation of the punch without reading it? how could you know? for all you know you love terrible things! further reasearch is necessary!

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