Firstrow and also. That's how I've been able to watch games for a few years now while at work or off somewhere w no cable.
Is this stealing or is it legit? You know this thread shows why net neutrality is being overrun by the cable companies. Most people don't understand it and how it will relate to their service moving forward.
You are not paying for it if that is what you are asking. However, they are UK streams as you can tell from their commercials.
I cut cable because it's bloated and useless. Why should I have to pay for 400 channels I don't watch just get 2 that I do watch. Then I have to pay all these other fees and buy different tier packages for a service that should cost about 30 bucks, I was paying 170 and sometimes 200 a month.
There is a whole lot going on in the interweb world right now between Big Industry, Government, and innovators. The Supreme Court is in the decision phase of weather or not it is legal to stream OTA broadcast signals to thousands of households and charge a fee. If they decide that it is legal then it will turn upside down the existing model of retransmission consent fees. The days of broadcast companies screwing cable/satellite companies and them screwing us may come to an end.
I don't really get the point of streaming signals that anybody can pick up over the airwaves with a $20 antenna. Why would anybody pay for that? Now radio might be a little different. LSU doesn't allow streaming of their sports broadcasts. I only know this because I have been in other states and tried to use the Tunein or the I Heart Radio app to listen to an LSU game being broadcast on 98.1 FM. All you can hear is the classic rock music that is their regular program. The Saints, on the other hand do not prohibit the streaming of their broadcasts
But in places like NYC where you live in a high rise and get poor OTA reciption, then you have to pay for cable, which Comcast owns a monopoly. $10 bucks or so gets you the broadcasting from a streaming provider without the incredible monthly cable bill.