Emotions are high right now...Let's give Les Miles a chance

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by WestCoastTiger, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Where do you get that idea? Because I keep pointing out several people's notions that are incorrect...such as Miles record at OSU automatically meaning he is a bad coach....as did Saban's?
  2. tigerjeffrey

    tigerjeffrey Founding Member

    Dec 22, 2004
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    I am angry because of ...

    1) The timing of the Dolphins' courting of Saban, and his leaving. I don't think it was a Huizenga conspiracy to help UF, but, the fact is, it happened after Spurrier and Meyer were already taken.

    2) Skip coming out w/ the statement that people would be surprised by the level of interest in the job, and from some big names. Not too smart to build up expectations and then let them down with this hire.

    3) People comparing this hire to Saban's. Saban was a highly-respected defensive coordinator in the NFL, prior to his job with Mich. St. Miles was a position coach (TE coach) with the Cowboys. I keep reading that "everyone' was disappointed with Saban's hire in 1999 ... I don't know who "everyone" is but I was thrilled by it.

    I am not saying Miles is a bad coach. I am sure he is a good coach and a good guy. But the fact remains this is a very disappointing and underwhelming hire. I will be interested in hearing the story behind this hire, and the reason why Petrino was not offered, why NFL coaches/coordinators were not interviewed, etc. Does anyone really think Miles is going to come in here and reverse recruiting fortunes? That his name will strike awe and admiration in the hearts and minds of potential recruits? Will many of them have even heard of him?

    Nick, thanks for the NC. Skip, thanks for the 5 baseball NCs? Mark Emmert -- why did you have to leave ???? :cry: :cry: :cry:
  3. ReaganEden

    ReaganEden Founding Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Go to Rivals or a similar recruiting board, and see that we are recruiting 5 or 6 of the same kids that all have Oklahoma State "extremley high" on their lists.

    The man recruits against 3 of the biggest schools in this part of the country, and while we may not get them all, we get our fair share. Especially considering our athletic budget, (11th in the BIG XII)
  4. Dutchtown tiger

    Dutchtown tiger Founding Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    I totally agree with the major homers on this site comparing saban to miles. That is one of the most ludicrous comparisions I ever heard of. I remember listening to all of the talk shows and almost 2/3 of the folks out there were excited about the saban hire. Saban was highly respected in the NFL coaching circles especially from guys like Bill Pollan(sp). On the Flip side, I don't recall seeing miles on any a list in terms of hot coaching candidates for future NFL gigs. The consensus around town is that this hire did not meet the expectations of the LSU community. Also, Landry basically fell short of saying that this was a terrible hire. On a different note, Les Miles unlike Saban will not receive a 4 1/2 million contract from the NFL. I hope I am wrong, but I sense medicority in our future. With coaches like Myer, Richt, Spurrier, and Tuberville in our league, we will have up hill battle ahead of us in terms of competing on the same level that we competed year in and year out with Saban. Just my thoughts.
  5. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    Aug 30, 2004
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    Oh, so now in order to be a good HC you have to be courted for the NFL?

    Well, good thing they somehow forgot about Fulmer and Richt and countless others.....

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