Embarrassing or funny moments in your life

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by DJM136, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    One of my most embarrasing moments came when i was in high school.

    And i went to the same high school where my dad was Principal. ( Dont Reccommend it ) So everyone knows who i am and all the teachers so it is pretty hard to do something and have it not get around.

    So i am in speach class and i get up to do my speach but before i get started the teacher ( A Middle Aged Good Looking Lady ) stops me and does her finger for me to come to her for a second. Well this gets the attention of the class and everyone is curious as to why she called me over.

    She motions for me to bend down and she whispers that my zipper is down. I am sort of in shock and start thinking how to be cool about what she told me and not have the class know.

    So i calmly start back up to the front to do my speach and non chalantly reach down and pull up my zipper.

    Well of coarse the class see's me do it and just starts roaring laughter. Every time i go to start my speach the class loses it.

    I finally after turning 12 shades of red get through my speach as best i can. I got an A on it but i think it was because i just made it through.

    I bet her and all the other teachers had a big laugh about it in the teachers lounge later.

    From then on i learned a valuable lesson and i am paranoid about checking my zipper.

    PS i started to embellish it a little and say all the girls were ohhhh and ahhhhhhhhhhh and impressed by the bulge but i didnt want to get caught in a lie!!!

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