Journalists Donie O'Sullivan (CNN), Aaron Rupar (Vox), Drew Harwell (WaPost), Ryan Mac (NY Times), and Matt Binder (Mashable) have all been suspended from Twitter. The account of social media rival Mastodon has also been suspended. Free speech, my ass.
I’m assuming that’s why you don’t post links to these silly goose claims you make, silly goose.
"People's". Riiiiiiiiight. Elon suddenly created a new convenient twitter rule to ban private jet tracking when it was his own jet being tracked, despite promising earlier that he wouldn't. Just a convenient excuse to ban journalists who prominently and regularly criticized him.
i see, so to be fair you think elon should allow real time locations to be posted of his children? and you think this is important info to spread to the world? even after they are attacked? would you find it acceptable, if, for example, muslims posted real time location of salman rushdie? you know you wouldnt. now think about why. you are welcome.
Keith Oberman renowned? Don't insult the word renowned. Awh Poor whittle Wexie is wheelrie upset but where was poor whittle Wexie when a sitting president was banned from his precious whittle Twitter? Ahh now now have your mommy change your whittle diaper and weed you a whittle story from Mien Kauf.