why should "we" meaning the govt moderate anything? the only thing i am willing to hear is an argument like tiktok is a chinese spying app and should be banned from govt workers. but arguments that dont involve security, but hate speech or some other shit? you can take your govt truth minister and fuck off
yes but he said its none of her business. it literally isnt. she is with the treasury, has nothing to do with twitter do you want to govt to oversee twitter or not?
I’d advise you to re-read my initial post. Comeback with zero straw-men. Twitter doesn’t make content. They allow YOU to make content. Aka speech. CNN makes content. Twitter, thanks to Elon, does not.
In fact, with Elons purchase and management, he is even falling MORE Inline with the rules of 230 more so than the previous liberal board running around adding fact checked content to everything and censoring the none approved agenda. Elon has removed all this and allowing it purely as a communication/discourse app.
Biden launches investigation into Elon just days after Elon exposed their election collusion efforts.
if they try the shit they do to trump on elon they are fucked because elon is smarter than they are by a wide margin and it will always backfire. plus elon now has the megaphone. he is twitter, which makes him louder than any asshole on TV or in the paper.
if the russians "hacked the election" (which i always said is normal and fine) then twitter did as well, by manipulating social media with a political aim.
And I have no problem with it ... except, it was the Democrat Party this time, not Russia. Russia has no conflict of interest .. the Democrats do.