I thought I was the only person in the world that didn't like Elway and for the same reason I couldn't stand him from day one.
the golden boy is starting to whine. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Eli angered by criticism of dad http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040423/SPORTS/40423018
You watch. The Manning family does not play MUD BALL. They never have and never will sling mud. No need too. Archie did not ask to talk to them. They asked him. He thought the talks were "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS." He is not the one to come out and say his little boy won't play there. When asked what Eli would do if they draft him anyway, he replied that they would deal with that when and if it happened. No bad mouthing. The worse thing I ever heard one of them say about LSU was that he (Eli) hated to lose to them because they were such a big rival. If you are an athelte and don't feel like that, you probably spend a lot of time on the bench. And whether you and I like it or not, SD needs Eli a lot more than he needs them. Peyton could give Mom, Dad, Cooper, and Eli ten million and still be excedingly well off himself. But the Mannings don't play that way. Archie has had to stand tall all his life. He came from a poor family. His Dad made sure Archie would be home at a certain time one day. I think it was a Sunday and Archie's Dad knew Mrs. Manning would be in church. When Archie arrived at home, he found his Dad had commited suicide. Archie had to call the authorities and get the house cleaned up before his Mom got home. Any wonder why Archie loves his family so? His words are straight and carefully used. Archie is the type of person to say "I'm sorry if you disagree or if I hurt your feelings." Eli may be more inclined to tell you to "shove it."