Not sure which team it was but what he said was that IF he was drafted by them he would play pro baseball instead. Instead of losing out on the pick the team traded the pick before the draft if memory serves me right. He was a pretty big time baseball prospect as well as football. :geaux: :lsug: :champs:
Elway was drafted by the long-gone BALTIMORE Colts, owned by the late skinflint Robert Irsay, the @ss who moved the team to Indy in the dead of night... He was in the Yankees minor league system and threatened to play pro baseball if the Colts drafted him.... The Colts SUCKED and Irsay had a history of treating players badly... So Elway whined and whined and whined until the Colts were forced to trade the #1 pick to the Broncos in exchange for the Broncs #1 pick and a piece'o'crap tackle/TE by the name of Chris Hinton, who went on to do NOTHING of any note in the NFL..... Which is why I STILL don't respect Elway to this day.. Can you IMAGINE the uproar that would happen if the first 50 probable picks ALL stated that they would not play for a list of loser teams or a particular team? Shut up, Archie.
Its called the NFL DRAFT for a reason. Eli needs to sack the phuck up, keep his mouth shut, and play the hand he is dealt. Archie needs to butt out.
ESPN Radio reports tonight that Eli said he'll sit out the entire year if he's drafted by the Chargers. The Mannings care only about the Mannings and everybody else can go straight to hell.
Guys here's whats going on here. The Chargers are jerking the Mannings around. The Chargers have Eli on a leash and they are dragging him around to all the other teams to see who will give up the most to be able to have him. They have no intention on keeping him at all but they are pretending that they do just to keep his value high. They began preliminary talks about a contract with Eli's agent Tom Condon but completely lowballed the offer. Condon's attempts to negotiate fell on deaf ears, causing the Manning camp to get really upset with the Chargers. Some words were exchanged and things were not looking good. The commisioner caught word of it and tried to step in and fix things. He had Archie get into the situation and go visit the Charger camp to mend things. It didn't work out as planned. The other teams are very intrested in Eli, but they can see thru the Chargers act and know that they are desperate to get rid of him. So what they are doing is posturing, waiting for the Chargers to finally give in on a deal thats less than "market value". The Chargers are basically holding Eli for ransom. When they finally realized that no one wanted to pay their price, the Chargers tried to back the Giants into a corner by proclaiming that Eli only wanted to play for the Giants. This is a statement that both the Mannings have said that they never made to the Chargers. By saying this, they know that the Giants fans are going to be salivating over the chance to pick him up and there will be enourmous pressure for the Giants to trade up and try to get Eli. At the same time, it makes Eli look like a bad guy to the SD fans so they are not ticked off at the Chargers FO for not taking Manning. The Charger fans really want Manning, but the team feels like Rivers is just as good a QB and they know they can get him at a lower pick plus pick up extra picks for trading down. It's dirty business at its best.
You say it's dirty business, but it looks like regular business to me. Either way, Eli is along for the ride - so why would he say anything at all and why would daddy get involved?
Because they can. If what Furcal says is true then the Mannings are only playing their cards as best they can in light of the situation. True, Eli has a kind of leverage that most prospective draftees don't have due to the family having contacts and inside info. I don't blame him one bit for playing hardball.