i told you before, i dont care about hunter biden. i dont care if he worked for russia, abducted children, snorted drugs and fucked hookers. i am interested in your source for your claim that the laptop was russian disinfomation. i have researched it quite a bit i found no evidence of russian involvement. nobody seems to has any evidence of it whatsoever. NOBODY. not one single person on earth has evience for this. but why do you people make the claim? where is the evidence for russian involvement? you may have noticed i can ask you 50 plus times and you refuse to answer. i find that interesting. TDS is a religion. some of the tenets of the religion that its adherents will not give up are, among many: 1. the russians were involved with the hunter laptop. this is a lie. 2. trump claimed white supremacists were "good people" this is provably a lie, as trump explaicitly said the opposite and made a point to say so. this is a lie fundamental to biden's campaign, according to him. i can point this out literally 100 times and people will never give it up. its religion. and i mean literally 100 times. we are getting close to 100 times on this biden laptop question. i can ask 100 times where is the evidence for russian involvement and i will get a deflection, every single time. fascinating.
see this is what i said, you refuse to answer and instead you deflect by speculating about the emotional state of your opponents. this is a common tactic. again, i can explain why you do this. you want the opponent to change the subject and discuss whether they are in fact "sensitive" or their "feelings aare hurt". you want to make your opponents defensive and distracted. this is a deflection gambit and it works on stupid people. you keep doing even as i point out that you are doing it and why. thats interesting. do you have any evidence for the claim that russians were involved with the hunter laptop? its a simple yes or no.
republicans? so not russians then? i thought you said it was a russian disinformation campaign? have you abandoned that claim owing to lack of evidence?
You said it was Russians too. Can you link a Russian saying it? Or even a "Republican"? You know, the point is that you are saying its lies, but you cant tell us what exactly the lies are nor who said them. You speak in such general terms because you are cornered. Again, its ok to say you were mislead by the media. Everyone has at some point or another. Never too old to learn and grow.
My friend, you are living in a parallel universe where the truth doesn't matter. I've already said all I am going to say on this subject. We've spent pages and pages on it and neither of us are budging. You know what my answers are going to be just like I know what your replies will be. So continuing to do so is only an exercise in futility for us both.
stop being such a whiny ass pussy. all you like to complain about is how I say things are how I observe them and frankly it humors me. call it a common tactic, call it whatever your heart desires down there in your parents basement. I don't care really, but if you think you are going to change how I do things you are living in a dream. However, this might explain some of your positions. then don't reply but whatever you do stop being such a pussy about how I observe your prissy ass behavior. If you don't like it don't reply. I'm cool either way compadre.
You know deep down you are full of shit and are such a bitch you cant even admit it. See you in a few weeks with the next news story spoon fed to you.
I'll go to my grave knowing when I see an autocrat who wants to subvert American democracy to make way for his own selfish endeavors.