Fake news. Many of those states you claim stolen were headed by GOP and shot down by GOP. In usual manner, those GOP reps were later threatened, along with their families. well played by GOP. Fact of the matter, those were election laws and we had a president who wasn't going to admit defeat or have a peaceful transfer of power, no matter what. Most secure election ever, as the head honcho said. No legitimate proof brought to any court. And many of those courts judges were appointed by 45. Sore losers.
Excellent write up by Mollie Hemingway. posted previously in this thread..... Here’s how it was done: https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/0...ility-for-their-rigging-of-the-2020-election/ J6 Hysteria Is To Avoid Accountability For Rigging Of The 2020 Election The 2020 presidential election was unlike any in American history. Hundreds of laws and processes were changed in the months leading up to the election, sometimes legally and sometimes not, creating chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg, one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men, spent $419 million — nearly as much as the federal government itself — to interfere in the government’smanagement of the election in key states. Powerful tech oligarchs and corrupt propaganda press conspired to keep indisputably important news stories, such as allegations of corruption regarding the Biden family business, hidden from voters in the weeks prior to voting. Information operations were routinely manufactured about President Trump in the closing months of the campaign, including the false claim that Russians paid bounties for dead American soldiers and Trump didn’t care, and that Trump had called dead American soldiers losers. Both were disputed by dozens of on-the-record sources. Effective conservative voices were censored by the social media arms of the Democrat Party. And all this was done after the establishment spent years running an unprecedented “Resistance” that falsely claimed Trump was a traitor who had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. It’s not surprising that polls show most Republicans are deeply concerned about the integrity of such an election. If anything, it’s surprising that all of them aren’t screaming from the rooftops about it. But it is interesting and telling how little the media and other Democrats are willing to talk about efforts to rig the election. With the exception of a single Time Magazine article admitting there was a “conspiracy” by a “a well-funded cabal of powerful people” who worked to “change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information,” to create a “revolution in how people vote,” corporate media have largely kept silent about or downplayed how the establishment secured its victory for their man Joe Biden. Time’s article didn’t come out until February 4, 2021, but in the months prior to its publication, Republicans grew increasingly concerned that the rigging it described had, in fact, happened. Their desire for free and fair elections they could trust, elections that “well-funded cabals of powerful people” weren’t able to rig, resulted in mass protests following the November election. The fact that the election was exceedingly close didn’t help matters. Media and other left-wing pollsters had put out preposterous suppression polls to help Biden get over the finish line. For example, the Washington Post’s final poll claimed Biden would win the swing state of Wisconsin by 17 points, indicating a nationwide blowout of historic proportions. (He won it by seven-tenths of a percent.) The actual outcome took weeks to calculate and came down to just 43,000 votes across three states, even closer than Trump’s close victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016. The media and other Democrats have used the January 6 riot at the Capitol as a way to ignore legitimate concerns about what they did to the election system, and as a way to continue the assault on election security. As part of their political operation, they have used a propaganda technique of redefining efforts to secure the integrity of elections as attacks on democracy
Why weren’t these concerns voiced before the election and actions taken? Really, one didn’t need to go much past the publisher of this article to question its factual basis. Well known conspiracy theorist. Fact is we had a president who ruled like a dictator for 4 years and, at the same time, biggest victim who ever lived. He put as many people in place as he could to ensure he had every advantage. Thank God many of those people eventually sided on the side of truth, law and democracy. Until these assertions are shown to have merit in a court of law that the election was stolen I think it best for losers to admit they lost.
hmmm... the writer lays out specifically how different interests affected the election and you, otoh, share your emotions.... getting to be par for the course?
So, according to Mollie Hemingway, whoever the fuck that is, "rigging" an election means that the Democrats didn't propagate Republican talking points. I must have missed the law that made it mandatory for one party to spread smears by the other. Your article is laughable bullshit.
well, actually, he's still acting like a dictator now...but only ruling over the far right (ie, you), by destroying any "unloyal" repuglicans. and even after all he's done to harm democracy because his egos been hurt, many of those unloyal to him are going to lose. the far right are just straight up losers. it will be interesting to see next: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jimmy-kimmel-trump-testimony_n_620f2009e4b0f701fd708b7c actually, he will take the 5th. Don't forget the times when he said "only guilty people take the 5th". https://www.needtoimpeach.com/corruption/trump-fifth-amendment-michael-cohen/ .