You're long over due for an appointment with your psychiatrist. You've lost what little touch you had with reality.
Is there anybody still around who believes the election was stolen? Sidney Powell this week tried to defend herself from sanctions and disbarment by filing this in court: “Millions of Americans believe the central contentions of the complaint to be true, and perhaps they are.” What's this "perhaps" shit? We all remember how certain she was at the time she filed her Kraken nonsense in Michigan. You might recall that the judge in the case dismissed her lawsuilt because it was based on nothing more than wild speculation. Powell is now trying to argue that she shouldn't be sanctioned because she was merely representing clients who believed it, that she was under no personal responsibility to verify their claims. She is implicitly arguing that as a lawyer she bears no responsibility for presenting actual evidence in a court trial to back up her clients' claims.
the election was 'stolen' in statehouses across the country modifying their election laws under the guise of covid.... well played by the dems .....
So, not by any actual electronic tampering of votes cast, as Powell and Lindell and Wood claim/claimed, but by making ballot access easier. Gotcha.
A notice I saw attached to a ballot drop box in Georgia: "FOR AFRICAN-AMERICANS ONLY" Well, no, I didn't, but you get my meaning.