in any other era no one but DEMOCRATS would've ever elected such a lying, criminal, rude, un American, Marxist, Maoists, Leninist, totalitarian, NAZI, racist, repulsive pedophile like Pedo Joe and yet, he's still got pond scum like you who favor him.
You and Winston say shit like this but have nothing but your hurt feelings (for whatever reason) to back it up. You hem and haw about how lawless he is but cannot site a single law that he has actually broken. Record economy, record unemployment, record stock market, IRA's growing at rates never witnessed, trade is strong, GDP kicking ass, military back on top and you assholes bitch because you just "don't like the guy" Pitiful really
I will give Donnie credit for the accomplishments you cited. If the SOB would keep his mouth shut I might grow to like him again.
Well, he's got no one else to blame but himself if he never sits in the Oval Office again. But you can bet more than a dollar that he will use every excuse imaginable.
To be fair, he carried on what Obama started with the markets. And he did a nice job of carrying on in regards to the economy It does make it a bit easier if you get rid of so many regulations and cut taxes for the rich to next to nothing. The markets did go great guns. No doubt. However, the conservative thinking of small government to go along with cutting taxes went out the window. We had no respect around the world, unless you count those countries lead by dictators. Our long time friends were now practically seen as enemies. And his meetings with dictators, especially Putin, were so secretive even the interpreters notes were discarded before they left the room. I have no idea what you're talking about the military being back on top. Maybe that's in your head because he repeated it over and over again that you had to think it was true. Our military was always on top. And when so many people close to him felt he was, at best, not up for the job from his sister to his niece, to the generals who went to work for him as chief of staff to defense department, one with a sense of balance would have to think that yes, they probably know what they're talking about. And the guy could not tell the truth for the life of him. My lord, you don't need to go much past the "sharpie" incident to figure that one out. That was so needless. But his ego was so fragile that the smallest hint that he could be wrong would make him go out of his mind. That would lead to a whole new host of lies. Let me leave with a couple of quotes from an article I just finished with: "The comments from Miles Taylor, who served as a chief of staff in the Department of Homeland Security, follow reports that Trump allegedly took classified documents from the White House to his home in Florida. "I have to start with the hypocrisy though, because it's not just hypocrisy. It's that Donald Trump himself was mind-numbingly incompetent when it came to the protection of classified information," he said. "So it's not just that he criticized Clinton and then did something similar. He did something vastly worse on multiple occasions. So much so that we were scared, legitimately scared to take sensitive, classified information into the Oval Office and tell the president of the United States about it." Does this really surprise anyone? Do you think it should? For a man who has always been so notoriously money driven, along with undeniably being an egomaniac I, for one, do not feel comfortable with him cozying up with the likes of Putin and having our countries greatest secrets at his fingertips, and with no adults around. And as far as naming any crime he has broken, you do know that, along with being impeached twice he's been found to have a sham university and a sham charity that he's been fined for. I think those could qualify. And so many of his closest confidants over the years have either been found guilty or pled guilty to a whole host of crimes. Some of those "best people" he put into government positions of trust included.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh and things are so wondefful now. No annoying tweets. No racist borders. Criminals finally feel safe to be on the streets. Police now know how awful they are. We are finally paying a fair price for everything cause we were paying way too little before. Our poor children can finally get the drugs they so desperately need from Mexico crack, heroin, cocaine and especially fentanyl. Those two wonderful peace loving patriotic organizations, Antifa and BLM, are finally free from persecution by that evil Trump. The most dangerous thing to our human existence that pesky climate crisis will finally be fixed. China, Russia, N Korea and Iran finally fear and respect us again. Black, white, Latino, Asian, women and dead DEMOCRATS finally have the right to vote as many times as they like. Someone is finally going to do something about guns junping up and shooting innocent people. White school children will now finally learn in our government schools they were born awful racist and are the lowest form of humans on the planet. We are finally doing something about the the different races getting along by seperating us by class, color, gender and age. Male athletes can finally compete in womens sports. Transgendered males are finally free to use little girls bathrooms and rape them. We finally have a president who loves little girls....A LOT. We finally have a president who is of sound mind speaks coherently and doesn't hide from the press and speaks to us every day. We finally have realized politicians and Hollywood are better than us so much better that they don't have to follow the same laws we have to follow. And no more INSURRECTIONS! Oh my oh my isn't life grand now! OK useful idiots oh I mean boys and girls let's all hold hands and sing (people of color are not required to hold an evil white hand), OK 1 2 3
Gibberish mess, KakaPedo. You couldn’t dispute anything I stated. It’s called fact. I don’t see where anybody talked about how things are now, but that’s the rights game, deflect, lies and conspiracy theories. But I agree, things are a mess now. Things suck. But I have no regrets my vote to evict Trump. For our country’s sake, not just mine. I’m not going to sugar coat and deflect my side. I only wish for middle of the road elected officials. I don’t care if they’re right or left leaning. Only someone who everyone can see some of their wants are being addressed for 4 years. It’s all or nothing as long as we go with the extremes. But I don’t expect that to change. Btw, I thought you finally didn’t get to the pedo point, but looking back at your stuff I see that your streak continues. So much worse for man who has never been charged than a man who has. Now, crawl back under your rock, pedo man
You don't get it I am singing Kumbaya. I listed all the glorious and wonderful things now that Joe is in charge. Come on now let's sing!