Not familiar with Wisconsin, I'll look that up in a minute. As for Georgia, nothing illegal has been found, so you're lying on at least half of your assertion. Brad Raffensperger has confirmed that he is investigating an allegation of ballot harvesting, but so far nothing illegal has been determined, and even if he does find that ballots were HARVESTED it doesn't mean those ballots are fraudulent. Ballot harvesting does not amount to ballot fraud. In fact, ballot harvesting is legal in most states. In Georgia, distributing and collecting ballots for somebody else is ilegal, but the votes themselves are perfectly legal.
As for Wisconsin, you're apparently referring to this bullshit claim by some wingnut outfit that calls itself "Team Tucker Carlson": Team Tucker Carlson: Wisconsin Investigation Finds More Illegal Votes Were Cast Than Biden's Margin of Victory That claim has been thoroughly debunked by PolitFact, Yahoo, and USA Today, among others.
Dont take my word. Watch the full 8 hour hearing... Oh neverminded, you already got your opinion from someone else...
Your linked article is not brave enough to mention which laws were broken, who broke them, how many votes were affected, etc. As should be expected, it's just some nebulous accusation that the election was stolen by a notoriously right wing hack site.
#insurrection https://www.realclearinvestigations...d_she_know_it_the_evidence_builds_813739.html What Did Clinton Know and When Did She Know It? The Russiagate Evidence Builds Paul Sperry Above, a largely overlooked moment in the campaign film "Hillary," when the candidate told running mate Tim Kaine of “scratching hard” to expose Donald Trump's “weird connections” to Russia. Prosecutor John Durham is zeroing in on her 2016 campaign's role in promoting the collusion hoax. By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations January 27, 2022 As indictments and new court filings indicate that Special Counsel John Durham is investigating Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for feeding false reports to the FBI to incriminate Donald Trump and his advisers as Kremlin agents, Clinton’s role in the burgeoning scandal remains elusive. What did she know and when did she know it? Top officials involved in her campaign have repeatedly claimed, some under oath, that they and the candidate were unaware of the foundation of their disinformation campaign: the 35-page collection of now debunked claims of Trump/Russia collusion known as the Steele dossier. Even though her campaign helped pay for the dossier, they claim she only read it after BuzzFeed News published it in 2017. But court documents, behind-the-scenes video footage and recently surfaced evidence reveal that Clinton and her top campaign advisers were much more involved in the more than $1 million operation to dredge up dirt on Trump and Russia than they have let on. The evidence suggests that the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory sprang from a multi-pronged effort within the Clinton campaign, which manufactured many of the false claims, then fed them to friendly media and law enforcement officials. Clinton herself was at the center of these efforts, using her personal Twitter account and presidential debates to echo the false claims of Steele and others that Trump was in cahoots with the Russians…..
Just another nonsense rightwing website to ignore. "Burgeoning scandal"? I stopped reading right there. Seriously, who do you expect to read that wall of garbage? No one but a wingnut hack would call the Durham investigation or its subject matter "burgeoning". It's dying on the vine with only two very dubious indictments to date. And what does this have to do with "Election 2020", the title of this thread? Hillary? Really? Hillary Derangement Syndrome? trump didn't lose the 2020 election because of the Steele dossier. He lost because most of America can't stand that piece of sh*t.