Wrong Wrong Bullshit!! They are real conservatives. You don't like them because they have a spine. They won't nuzzle Trumps asshole on command like the nutless monkey Kevin McCarthy whose nose has got to be colored shit brown for the rest of his life. You don't like them because they don't repeat the lies about the 2020 election. And most of all you don't like them because they are willing to ask questions about Jan 6th. Because as Col. Jessep would say - you can't handle the truth.
Well Col Jessup conservatives fixin to give Chaney a code red come next Nov. Wyoming is a state your DEMOCRATS can't cheat in. No big cities run by all DEMOCRATS that cheat. Chaney like all DEMOCRATS shit all over those ranchers, farmers, cowboys and working class people there. BTW your president is a dementia ridden creepy pedophile who should be arrested immediately and put in jail, face the truth but...... And truth is your party sucks but.....
Somebody needs to be put away, but it's not Biden. You belong in a home for the severely mental. Here, if you have any bit of cognitive function left would you please pass along this link to your children?: Baton Rouge Behavioral Hospital - Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment
Hey I just may be a bit mental but unlike you I am not a moron, a Marxist, Godless with no common sense and approves of pedophilia. Still trying to bring my children into our post eh? Don't think you would want to mess with my children.
No, your children may have the same set of DNA from mom and pop. And btw, do you think Trump ever stepped foot in church? https://www.npr.org/2016/01/18/4635...mp-struggles-to-make-the-sale-to-evangelicals
Yo momma! Sure you want to get into bringing family into this? What to you libtards know about God? As far as Trump hope he doesn't fall prey to the God for dollars evangelicals I wouldn't respect him if he did. Apparently gubment and Biden is your God and pedophilia must be acceptable in your religion. Since you crossed the line and brought my wife, my kids mother, into your post I guess yo momma must have molested you as a child and pedophilia must be OK in your family. How about that mofo.
OK everybody, let's take a deep breath and a step back. Bringing members family into the conversation is not OK. Remember the decency thread. Lets keep the insults to ourselves and our subjects like Trump and Biden.
I am OK with that. Didn't start this if you look at my post thread. Family should not be part of these disagreements.
I'm not saying you started it, there were incremental steps that got us here. I'm just asking that we all recognize we got to a bad place and stand down from it.