You’re a liar and a pedophile. You suck up every lie he tells even when proven false. You treat him like the golden calf as he’s as false an idol as ever was. You pervert the ideals expressed in the constitution and that our country was established upon; twisting them into a malevolent miasma of hated. While the progressive left is a long term danger Trump and his minions are the real and immediate threat to our country and way of life. You need a road to Damascus revelation Kiki. Until then you’re doomed.
Trump doesn't give a shit about the constitution, to him it's just another set of rules to break when they are in his way. And comparing the great communicator to the great tweeter is just silly.
The second stupidest person in Congress (Louie Gohmert being the first -- both Republicans, obviously and predictably) calls it wise to bar Democrats who move into red states from voting. So, this past week we've seen Rand Paul say that legally counted votes is stealing an election, and now we have MTG wanting to ban Democrats from casting ballots. All of this . of course, on top of Republican gerrymandering and trump sending insurrectionists to "STOP THE STEAL", his name for the presidential election that scores of courts and recounts upheld as valid. So, once again I ask: why do Republicans despise democracy? Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls It 'Wise' to Bar Democrats Who Move to Red States From Voting (
You're all talk. You know damn well its something you would never do. You could always try to convince them that you're not one of those white devils.
What would know about the constitution or Raegan? So lie to us and tell us you are a Raegan loving conservative. Tell us this while your President Pedophile has been breaking the law and going against the constitution and the laws of the US by allowing open borders. Tell us you hypocrite. You are on the side of a pedophile and a party of totalitarian Marxists America hating POS.
As usual Kiki, you go for insults and bullshit rants when you don't have dick to add to the conversation. I became a Reagan supporter after my FBI girlfriend talked me into going to a candidate Reagan rally in the 70's. Who were you supporting then, Wallace or David Duke? Ronald Reagan was a real conservative with conservative principles neither of which apply to Trump. But you're so consumed with TDS, Trump Deity Syndrome, that you can't see the gap between your fantasy Trump and real life. Some good things happened during Trump's presidency but he fucked up big also. He narrowly beat the worst democratic nominee since McGovern, and lost to the second worst - not impressive. President Reagan beat an incumbent and trounced Mondale for the largest electoral defeat in history - very impressive. President Reagan accomplished great things because he surrounded himself with a team of smart professionals who knew how to make policy changes in Washington. He, and his team, really did put the country before themselves. The same can not be said about Trump with a straight face. The really ironic part is that President Reagan and all of those same people who initiated the policies you so praise would be labeled RINOs today by your crowd. Why, because President Reagan sometimes actually worked with democrats. OH NO!!! THE HORROR!!! NOT THAT!! Reagan negotiated with the Democratic speaker of the house Tip O'neil!! My God, right there is proof that Reagan was a baby pizza eating pedofile. President Reagan publicly demanded Gorbachev tear down the wall. Trump publicly sided with Putin against his own advisors. In truth, the real RINO is Trump. President Reagan would know it and not be afraid to call Trump out. President Reagan would not be on the side of a spineless Kevin McCarthy; he would be aligned with principled conservatives like Kinzinger and Chaney. President Reagan had integrity, class, and people were loyal to him because they respected who he was and what he stood for. Triumph is void of those qualities. You ask 'what would I know about Reagan'? A lot more than you when you imply President Reagan governed like Trump; Because the difference is obvious to the most casual observer. As long as they aren't blinded by TDS, Trump Deity Syndrome.
You are wrong about everything in this post other than Raegan was a great president. His failure was trusting DEMOCRATS who stabbed him in the back with immigration and many other things. I don't want conservatives to comprise with modern day DEMOCRATS because they are bad for this country, everyone of em. Every policy they like sucks. The only one in this post that has a syndrome is you. It's the Chaneys and Kinzingers of the world that I dislike and distrust the most because they got voted in by their constituents to be conservative then they stab them in the back. The fact that you hold these 2 phony's in high esteem tells me where you stand. Me vote for racist George Wallce? Well he was a DEMOCRAT so he would be someone you would vote for. David Duke? No it's DEMOCRATS that vote in racist like George Wallace, DEMOCRAT Senator Robert KKK Byrd and DEMOCRAT Senator Fritz Hollins all with very racist past. Clean up your own house before you attack me. Trump sided with Putin? Ha! Putin didn't dare invade Ukraine while Trump was there and now that your President Pedophile is dementia walking through his presidency Putin is threatening the Ukraine, building hypersonic missiles and starting to bully eastern Europe. Also President Pedophile shut down the Keystone Pipeline and ANWAR and now begging Putin for oil. You are just as much a sycophant fool as Rex.
How close was the "insurrection" to succeeding? Percentage? Was the end result they crown Trump king? Would congress have been disbanded? Can you briefly describe this alternative history that you are so concerned with. How would this have played out? Would chewbacca Qanon Shaman have placed the crown on Trump's head while he sat on the iron throne?