You are a special kind of stupid. You just cherry picked a single day telling us all OMG it was 80 degrees today in Baton Rouge insinuating global warming is here and going to destroy the earth. Copied and pasted your post. "And, gee, I wonder why you haven't mentioned that it's over 80 degrees in Baton Rouge today.... on December 30...." Yes I do have children and thank God they don't think like you. They believe in God and don't think man can control climate. As far as CO2 what are all the causes on increased CO2 are still being investigated. However CO2 generally rises after a temperature rise. Climate dynamics are not simple so a simpleton like you can't grasp that there are solar system and sun dynamics that control everything and not totally understood. The climate controls us we can't and never will control the climate. My kids understand that and unlike like you don't vote for DEMOCRAT snake oil salesman because he tells them HE yes HE can make it cool for you if it's too hot or warm for us if it's too cold. With that said here's a question you won't answer because I have asked you this before and you of course didn't answer, If you believe man can cool the earth than you also must believe they can warm it up if it's too cool. So how will man cool the earth if needed? One more Question; If we all going die because the earth is warming at such a rapid rate then why did we have record cold last February throughout the US breaking 100 year records? How can this be? The earth is more populated, burning more fossil fuels and we have more evil CO2 so can this be. Clowns like you are telling us we are headed for armageddon and we have very little time. In your view it's impossible to have record cold now. Explain.
warming saves people, as cold weather is far more deadly. plus global warming could make massive land areas like siberaia and northern canada far more livable. as of now those places are icy torture chambers
The Dark Ages coincided with the Little Ice Age 1300 to 1850. Life was awful and it was hard to grow crops. In addition rats wanted warmth too which resulted in the Plaque because they invaded human spaces to warm up. There was crop failures, famine and death. Lakes and rivers froze over. Wine vineyards practically vanished. Europe switched to beer for that reason. One of the reasons America is more of a beer drinking country is because hops and barley were easier to grow in cold weather. Just look at how bad things got last February with that record cold for a very short time. 223 deaths and massive power outage and lack of water. Depending on wind and solar will be deadly if we go into another ice age in the future.
its also silly the way alarmists anticipate humans have zero ability to adapt. but we do, we survive and thrive in all manner of climates. well, less so in desperately cold climates, which they claim will be more rare.
Another audit shows no fraud or errors. It should be getting embarrassing guys.
No man is God but your, Rex and a few others here think government is God. Your God is a pedophile and an asshole who has never worked anywhere outside of government instead sucking off the tit of hard working people . You have failed for 4 years to destroy Trump. We listened to your swill about Trump since his name first surfaced and we are sick of it. Trump is a movement and has been around since 1776. We don't care who the man is or what his name is we care what policies he has, if he loves this country and will he protect the constitution. Trumps name could be fucking Adolf Hitler and I would vote for him if he governed like Raegan or Trump. I wonder if you still have a nose because you are a classic cut off your nose to spite your face guy. Or worse your are just a closet leftist trying to fool us.
And you wouldn't care if he put 6 million minorities in extermination camps. either. That's the entire point of trumpism: white supremacy.
You are a white idiot. White supremacy is another distraction by your people to disguise your keeping Blacks in the ghettos and killing them in poor countries with your green policies that accomplish nothing but poverty and death. Put your white ass in Southside Chicago and East LA if you are so down for the cause. That's where they are killing each other. You have no moral capital here nor and scientific capital here either.