Georgia and Arizona are run by Republicans, not Democrats. Each of those have proven the validity and accuracy of their elections. As for the Democratically controlled states, PROVE IT. Nobody has come close.
I oppose illegal immigration, but I will say this. Those immigrants work their tails off. There are lots of jobs at every skill level available today, but many of our citizens prefer to sit on their butts. If our citizens don't take the jobs, then I would rather them go to illegal immigrants than go unfilled.
Biden? I'm mean, can you really say this country is better off now then when Trump was n office? Your TDS will prevent you from saying no, but if you were honest with yourself, you would. .
You know you are nothing but a walking talking DEMOCRAT talking point zombie. The Klan was started by Nathan Bedford Forest a DEMOCRAT. Lincoln who freed the slaves started the Republican Party. The political segregationist in the South were DEMOCRATS. Senator Robert Byrd from W Virginia was a Grand Wizard with the Klan. Margaret Sanger who started the DEMOCRATS precious Planned Parenthood to murder babies believed blacks were inferior and should be controlled, aborted and "put in their place" Are you living in the year 1962? Speaking of racists in 1962 who "put the blacks in their place" take a good long look at your beloved DEMOCRATS you ignorant clown; List of racist segregationist in the South in the 60's who "put blacks in their place" Governor George Wallace was a DEMOCRAT. Governor Lester Maddox of Georgia was a DEMOCRAT. Governor Ross Barnett of Mississippi was a DEMOCRAT. Governor Jimmie Davis of Louisiana was a DEMOCRAT. Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas was a DEMOCRAT. Governor Strom Thurmond of South Carolina was yes a DEMOCRAT. Governor Buford Ellington of Tennessee was yet again a DEMOCRAT. Yes all were racist and all were DEMOCRATS like you. You yet again come here and show how void you are and show what an ass you are. You know nothing about earths climate and even less about who were the real racists who "put blacks in their place". Yes fine party you belong to yes fine party. BTW it was the Republicans who helped Lyndon Johnston pass The Great Society not the DEMOCRATS. The Great Society's goal was to eliminate poverty, racism and social injustice. Oh one more thing I forgot Every Southern states senator who voted against the Voting Rights Act were DEMOCRATS