It’s not a waste of money if they do an actual audit. If they just recount what has been counted to appease the simpletons, then it’s a waste. These systems should be audited on the regular. It’s called being accountable.
Oh wow you’ve got me. I must spend every waking moment thinking about Trump and he’s in my dreams too. What a ridiculous effort you’re making. Trump is the centerpiece of those threads and I’ll bet most are in response to a ridiculous post you or another Trumpster has made. Who started the threads that are negative about Biden and the democrats? Am I also obsessed with Joe? Get a grip
ok so what is the final talley? I watched the live stream of the dude who did the analysis on mail in ballots. He noted discrepancies but the number was not enough to change anything and it didn't say who voted for who in the discrepancies. I didn't see anything after that. I don't know about massive fraud. Any audit of any election will turn up discrepancies. I bet no one's mind's have changed.
The report has stated 58k votes, in one county, were illegal. I’ll read it myself later. Looks like, initially, my suspicion of the “leak” was to push people away from the actual report was correct.
A glimpse of your party. You and Winston must be so proud.