Well looks like Arizona’s audit confirmed there was no fraud and Biden won. A draft report confirmed by one of the cyber ninjas shows there was no fraud. Where to next ? Did the Democrats suborn the audit or were the cyber ninjas just RINOs in disguise? There’s got to be an explanation because there had to be massive fraud and Trump really won. Right @shane0911 @LSUpride123 and @onceanlsufan https://kjzz.org/content/1719314/ar...-bidens-win-maricopa-county-also-casts-doubts
the explanation is probably a hail mary that someone or someones convinced the trump team this was the only pathway remaining: suspected fraud that could tip a close race. Maricopa county didn't help as they blocked recount efforts. then 'news' sources start coloring the story to feed their base, "what are they hiding?" and viola the border patrol is using whips...