Winston should read more Benjamin Franklin than the New York Times when come to presenting "facts". BENJAMIN FRANKLIN once said: 'One of the greatest tragedies in life is the murder of a beautiful theory by a gang of brutal facts'.
I wonder what is going on in the White House today. You know, the arm bending of the hold out democrats and the pressuring of them to vote for the infrastructure and domestic spending plan? Coercion is illegal isn't it? It happens all the time doesn't it. Some people call it politics. Those who say that are the ones in control.
Nice try. Pressuring people to vote a particular way is one thing. Pressuring people to change the results of votes already cast is another. But you already knew that, didn't you?
so it is just a matter of timing? Break an arm before or break an arm after the fact. That is something to ponder...
Nice. tell me more about you opinion that it is ok to make a person vote a certain way vs. recanting a vote. I think it fucks with the process either way. One calls it persuasion. One calls it compulsion. What is your opinion on that?
Well we for sure know one thing, if you don't believe it then you can bet your ass it is true. Your track record is a big fat .0000