He did that in his first month. He was and never in his wildest dreams be anywhere close to as good as Trump was, not even on the same continent.
Interesting news. Judge sanction Sidney Kraken Powell and Lin Wood for frivolous suits challenging the election. https://storage.courtlistener.com/r...d.350905/gov.uscourts.mied.350905.172.0_3.pdf
It’s amazing to watch someone post about all the lies the Dems tell us, yet because orange man bad, election is truth.
Yet another OBAMA appointed judge doing her fealty to the Democrat Party. https://www.mied.uscourts.gov/index.cfm?pageFunction=chambers&judgeid=46
Did you read the ruling? What besides who appointed her do you know about the case or the ruling? Remember that this is a district court ruling. If it is egregious the appeals court will overturn it. If you truly believe there is nothing but politics in judicial, do you think Trump appointees should only rule in favor of Rs or for Trump? There’s no doubt political philosophy influences decisions but usually they’re have a foundation in law. Finally the ultimate exoneration would be her proving her claims to be true and winning at trial. Isn’t that what you want vindication that the election was stolen?