There actually isn't. You are just trying to rationalize away your irrational emotional response to Trump.
but did Trump really lose, or did America and the world lose? I think Trump is doing great. Not sure about America's future and world stability. Or all our savings and retirements. btw, is CNN and other dem loonies still claiming Trump will be in handcuffs/behind bars soon?
Yes ... he is serious. Somehow he can't wrap his brain around the fact the loss for Trump was a WIN for Biden ... err ... or Obama ... err ... or whoever it is pulling his strings. Maybe Paul Ryan is pulling Biden's strings, ... lord knows he was the Never Trumper of all Times.
Damn, will covid kill the auditors? Oh the conspiracies that will spin from this. LOL. The CEO of Cyber Ninjas and two other members of the five-person audit team tested positive 'and are quite sick.' The group's report was due out today.
This could be the one. I was really hoping that my pillow would drop the truth bomb and prove election fraud a few weeks ago at his cyber symposium that was supposed to reveal the fraud. It turned out that he couldn't hold an audience for 3 days and his data proved nothing. This could be the one.