I don't care! Mainly because it wouldn't matter. We are stuck with this idiot because too many were too chickenshit to call bullshit for bullshit. The election was stolen, plain and simple and there are mountains of evidence to support it. The only thing that matters from here on out is what are we going to do about '22 and beyond. If we do nothing we are truly fucked because amoebas like yourself are convinced that 81m people voted for a senile old bat that doesn't even know where he is at any given point in the day. That is the problem.
You are even more clueless than I thought. BECAUSE the DEMOCRATS STOLE the election we are stuck with an idiot that fools like YOU helped get into office. So yes my post has everything to do with Biden and a stolen election. Do everyone and yourself a favor here and just admit you are a liberal and stop trying to fool us that you are a reasonable moderate. You are not fooling anyone. You are on the wrong side of this issue there is time to change. Live by you motto
Census data gives lie to both @tirk and @Kikicaca responses. https://reason.com/2021/08/12/u-s-i...-diverse-says-census-bureau/?utm_medium=email
It’s not counties stupid it’s people. There are more people in New York City than in rural NY…same for California with LA and SF overwhelming the rural counties.