None of it matters ... at least to the last election. But the goal is to clean up the voting process and eliminate fraud. The goal is a complete audit. Granted, they could audit what they scan, but to remove all doubts, the entire field needs to be looked at and inspected. They only need to find some 10k or so fraudulent ballots to claim the election was thrown. But what if they find 20K, 30K? More importantly, if fraud is found, it will help to identify the mechanisms of fraud, and guide future audits.
Understood... But I'm wondering how the Dems trying to stall until the lease expires on the counting place impacts the audit at all. Probably something simple to see that just went over my head.
I am fairly certain that there is a date limit to when they can start destroying things (ballots, documents, etc) legally.
and in the meantime, the AZ audit continues. It has already been revealed that the Election Officials didn't even have the passwords to the servers. Wonder what else they will find? Democrats continue to try and shut the audit down. And yet ... you think this NR bullshit article is "enough said".