The gun is not the problem. He could have easily done the same thing with a pistol, like the one you keep for self defense.
I agree. So what's the solution? Do we just accept that people with severe mental problems have open access to assault type weapons?
Have 2. Also have two home defense shotguns one shot kill loads in each. Here is another couple of question heir Buzz. What what you use to protect your home and family if you are attacked by a thug with an "assult weapon"? Lastly does the "average citizen" really need a .45 pistol? Does the "average citizen" need a handgun that powerful?
No one wants any weapons in the hands of a severely mentally handicapped persons. However what the DEMOCRATS want is for law abiding "average citizens" to be disarmed. Don't you find it ironic that the people who want this have police and secret service protection who have immense fire power? Are they more entitled than us "average citizens"?
Just making a point. I know you are a well meaning guy but my point is all despots always disarm the "average citizens" before he begans the subjugation of his "average citizens".