the story of gun violence in america is largely blacks shooting each other with pistols. never see liberals trying to figure that one out. i am though, i am always talking about, for example, legalizing drugs and ending the insanely dangerous and murderous black market drug trade
Ban guns and the murder rate by everything other than guns would go up and equal the death by guns. People who want to murder will adjust and keep murdering. The only equalizer against murderers is guns. One armed citizen in Boulder could have ended this guy. The bodies aren't even cold yet and these gun grabbing ghouls are shamelessly fearing on the opportunity to erode yet another right.
The story about this guy, AAAA, is he is he suffers from a deep state of paranoia. Not clinically diagnosed but told by people from his high school and family members. How does focusing on the problem, people not guns, fix a situation like this? Like the dude in Atlanta, he has no record or nothing to prevent him from arming himself. Is this something we just live with? People are going to to off and kill a bunch of people when they snap is part of freedom in America? This isn't a bunch of leading questions going at guns. I really want to know what is the solution. Or, is it just acceptance of this is how it is?
Problem is not guns but the rotting of our kids. They have no God, they have no hope for the future cause they believe in death by climate change among many other contributing factors. They are being slowly poisoned by academia, the MSM and Holywood. I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Everyone had guns but no one went and shot up schools, churches and super markets. What caused this to change........... DEMOCRATS!
So the "average citizen" does not need a gun of his choice? Who are the above average citizens? Are they judges, politicians and the elite who are entitled or wealthy enough to have private security and or police and or secret service protection? So what if a criminal who by definition does not abide by the law attacks your neighborhood or home with the dreaded "assault weapon" would you want equal or better fire power to protect you and your loved ones? Would you perfer to die for your cause? Just asking
Actually it’s just I keep my iPhone with it open. First consideration is that no right is absolute. There are limits on every right listed in the constitution and amendments. So the debate is about where is a reasonable limit on private citizen’s right to possess guns (weapons). Most here don’t dispute that owning a fully loaded tank or B-52 can be prohibited. Likewise a total ownership ban is unconstitutional. Between those two is a vast space for debate. I believe that local government should be the main determinator of gun laws. I’m not a fan of open possession of hand guns but wouldn’t outlaw it. The definition of semi-auto can be so broad that a shotgun can be called one. I’m not a fan of extended magazines or armor piercing ammunition and could support limits of those. I could support a law that mandated the taking of a gun safety course with every gun purchase. I could also support the confiscation and destruction of every gun used in a felony. I’m not in favor of national laws except to define weapons of war. Finally as times and society change the details need to change.
Local governments don't have the right to pass unconstitutional laws even though they do it anyway. Both Chicago and Washington DC have draconian gun laws and just look at the murder rates in those cities.