Your argument would have merit if they didn't call for Trumps impeachment before he took office. From that point, Trump did what he must. The media and EVERYONE on the left took the exact opposite position of Trump, yet, he still did good things. All you focus on are words. Not actions. For example, people actually think Trump is an evil asshole. Though, when I look at policies, I dont see anything evil or asshole'ish. You said this "lazy self promoting narcissist with little knowledge of or concern for the truth". A few points. Trump out worked you these past 4 years. Prove me wrong. What is wrong with self promotion? That is politics. "vote for ME".... The media constantly took things out of context and straight up lied about Trump. What you guys like to call lies, are not really lies. A lie is being intentional. Saying something and being wrong is not a lie or not always a lie. Context always matters. These are reasonable observations. This does not make me a nutt hugger or anything of the sort. I dont care if you disagree, I am just saying that your dislike for his character added nothing to disprove of his policy actions. Its like mentioning the weather outside when I ask you about a recipe for gumbo.
we had a thread where we made specific policy critcism of trump, not vague nebulous "he is a jerk" nonsense. i was very critical of his attacks on the freedom of social media, as well as his opposition to drug legalization maybe winston can post his sepcific issues. like maybe he thinks trump is too pro-israel or should raise corporate taxes or whatever
Come on Winston. You do post very long articles from your fake news liberal sources How many of us here do you thing reads more than a few words until we get the first of the author s agenda?
I do. Winston may not agree with you and you may not agree with him, but he’s consistent in his positions and tries to converse without all of the distracting name calling, etc....
Apparently you don’t read any of my posts because I’ve been providing specific examples of what I don’t like about Trump’s policies since 2016...WITHOUT LINKS TO ARTICLES. That’s why it’s hard to take so many here seriously. It seems too many have a rote response that ignores details and rely’s on tropes that anyone who disagrees is either a left wing communist or a pussy who can’t take rough language.
Most of us here have lives. Some of us are not spring chickens anymore. Whether you're bashing Trump or nominating him for sainthood I'm not going to read an exceptionally long post in it's entirety unless it's super interesting. Sadly, your diatribes are not. rely’s, by the way, is spelled relies. Grammarly is an excellent tool for writing and the free version is more than adequate unless you are a professional writer.
I don't call him names. I can point out the error of his way of thinking with resorting to personal attacks.