What would be next, forcing female sports to allow biological males that identify as female to compete with girls and women?
Now we know why NC and Winston think what they think ... Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election | Sharyl Attkisson - YouTube Story .. Video: "It's a case of history repeating itself"...True Journalist Sheryl Attkisson on the Media War Against Trump's Reelection in 2020 (100percentfedup.com)
Of course the MSM was anti Trump and slanted its coverage. The trick it to parse the facts as best you can. Much of my antipathy to Trump predates his presidential run and term when he was a darling of the press. He showed he was an inept manager, lazy self promoting narcissist with little knowledge of or concern for the truth. His personality defects overwhelmed what few policy ideas that were worthwhile. Yet you seem to think everything you learn via Fox, OAN, Newsmax or other right wing media is preaching the gospel. Oh wait! Fox doesn’t qualify anymore because it acknowledged Biden won. No sport basically all media today is slanted and cares more for clicks than truth. If you don’t read across the full range you’ll never learn.
Policy is the only thing that matters. Was policy good or bad. Not if Trump fucked a pornstar years ago or it he tweets mean things. Was the policy good. Anyone who conflates personality traits with actual work/policies should not be listened to as they lack objectivity of real world metrics.
You’re deflecting. I never cared about or mentioned his pornstar. The character traits I mentioned have everything to do with being an effective executive. You can have the best policy ideas ever (he didn’t) but not be able to implement them because you can’t manage your team and nothing will be accomplished. The characteristics I listed inhibited his ability to get things done. Sort of like you chasing everything down rabbit holes prevents productive discussions on this board.
No it doesnt. All you have to do is judge policy. Like a CEO, was the company better or worse from when he entered/left. He got a lot done. Its troubling you seem to ignore these things because of "character flaws". How am I being immature pointing out that a persons character doens't have anything to do with actual policies that were implemented? A policy is a course of action. Not a character trait you routinely mention. So we can talk about actions or not. Up to you.
Well ... "sport" .. you're definitely not one to be lecturing anyone about truth. You have denied the truth at just about every turn, and it's a funny thing .. the MSM says the same things you do. Things that make you go ... hmmmmmmm. I will say something for those so called right wing media preaching the gospel ... I have found more original source material on those cites than on any of the "MAJOR" news sites, to include Fox, Newsmax, OANN, and ALL of the left wingnut media. Frankly, the only reason I even click on Fox anymore is to see what hot chick they are showcasing for the day. And that's getting pretty boring because apparently someone in the newsroom has a never ending crush on Elizabeth Hurley. (not to say she's not worthy ... but come on).
I apologize for calling you an ass....but here you try to go down another rabbit hole. You’re close when you say a policy is a course of action but to be successful Had Trump been able to hire and hold people, manage the executive branch he might have accomplished more of his policies. In spite of his desire to add to the wall little was accomplished. Many policies were poorly or never implemented because he couldn’t work with people even his allies. You’re close when you say a policy is a course of action but it’s successful only if it is followed out. Whatever his policies were few were carried out or completed. I say that it’s because of his character flaws they were not completed. I’m not talking about ideas but accomplishments which other than failure do require character.