@SCOTUSblog SCOTUS declines to take up a pair of leftover cases from the 2020 election. They involved the authority of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to extend the state's mail-in ballot deadline. Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch say the court should have granted review.
You guys need to stay away from the right wing kook sites. Zero Hedge or ZeroHedge is a far-right libertarian financial blog. It's basically a mouthpiece for those same energy utilities currently price gouging Texans in the wake of the storm. You should really know better.
can you advise a right wing site that would be acceptable to reference? that's the thing with your supposition: ALL right leaning sites are "kooky" by the leftist definition.... Your attempt is to smear and devalue if not published in the NYT, Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC et al just another version of the 'republicans pounce' strategy employed by leftists:
So if the data is accurate why does it matter where it comes from? I use data from multiple places, some left, others right and many middle. If you have data to dispute the information he cited show us. If not you’re nothing but a propagandist. We should be able to discriminate the fact from the BS in the editorial portion. BTW Libertarians are primarily concerned with the rights as listed in the Bill of Rights and limiting an overbearing government from infringing on them. Unfortunately too many on both left and right are looking for government to hold their hands and solve their problems. If you let it take care of you it will own you and you’ll lose any rights.
Do I really need to tell you that data isn't accurate? I've already posted quotes from ERCOT saying wind power actually exceed expectations, and that was despite having 1/3 of the available turbines offline. According to ERCOT, wind power generation is actually exceeding projections. While ice has forced some turbines to shut down just as a brutal cold wave drives record electricity demand, that’s been the least significant factor in the blackouts, according to Dan Woodfin, a senior director for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid. "By far the biggest outages have come from our natural gas plants," Daniel Cohan, associate professor of environmental engineering at Rice University, told CBS MoneyWatch reporter Irina Ivanova. "A portion were down for scheduled maintenance. Others weren't designed to operate reliably in extreme cold weather and others haven't been able to get enough natural gas supply." "Iowa and Denmark get a bigger percentage of their power from wind than we do. There are ways to winterize a lot of these power suppliers, but it costs money and it takes power and maintenance," Cohan said. "In Texas and the South we've been more focused on keeping our lights on in the summer."
First off, why does it have to be a right wing site? I read the news from multiple sites, in multiple countries. Nobody except right wingers are saying wind is to blame.
left wing kook site. try again.... CBS News News Media AllSides Media Bias Rating: Lean Left