No. But if I were living in a Texas that had 100% of it's power from properly installed, maintained, and winterized wind turbines, I wouldn't be freezing my balls off.
And I covered this. If installed, maintained, and winterized properly, wind turbines continue to work. Just as they do in the Arctic, Antarctic, and cold weather sites like Minnesota. Again, wind turbines are the choice for power in climate extremes. Texas would have more power right now if it had more wind turbines installed properly. Not rocket science.
Yea and when there is no wind or less than optimal wind, how the fuck do 100% wind turbines provide power idiot? Get some rest.
Yes. I lived there and got my Masters from West Texas A&M. They require a lot of maintenance as does anything. Side note, it can be too windy to work as well.
I hate to say it .. but you don't even know what the hell you are looking at. As already pointed out ... Wind is down 50% .. that wind's 50% decline is equivalent to 33% of the total shortage is irrelevant!!! 'Actually it is worse than you think. Wind is only 20% capacity, but responsible for 33% of the decline!! .... do you get that?? Wind accounts for some 20% of capacity but only producing 6% generation. While you are cherry picking some media bullshit story, the graph below tells the picture. The table below it tells an even bigger story. NG is only 51% of the total state capacity, yet .. it is handling 65% of the total generation!!!! ... it doesn't take even a 5th grader let alone a rocket scientists to figure out that the reason NG is producing a higher percentage of generation than it has in total capacity tells you that the OTHER sources are what is falling short. If you are smart enough to look at your graph in the context of the ERCOT graph below, you will see just how irrelevant your graph is. Wind ain't shit. Add to that the final graph, showing how Texas, like everyone else is trashing coal, .. the picture becomes more clear. The breakdown for 16 February 2021: MWh % Wind Generation 73,395 ...................... 6% Solar Generation 20,134 ...................... 2% Hydro Generation 3,833 ........................0% Other Generation 682 ............................0% Natural gas Generation 759,708 ......... 65% Coal Generation 204,655 . .................. 18% Nuclear Generation 98,394 ................... 8% Total 1,160,801 100% EIA