E-Mailing the writers is a BAD idea.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerLicks, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. LSU

    LSU Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    I see nothing wrong with emailing the voters. If a group of fans wants its voice to be known to a media member there is nothing wrong with that. The AP voters as voters have as a duty the need to be as informed as possible about their voting. One of the negatives of the voting system for the AP as well as for American politics in general is that an informed opinion weighs exactly the same amount as an uninformed opinion. I believe we have made known to the media the stats that needed to be exposed. I honestly believe that the majority of the media thought LSU's schedule was cupcake through and through, and that USC's was vastly superior. The rest of the media propogated this idea. But now, they can no longer spread such unsubstantiated opinion without some hesitance.

    For the Dallas writer to respond "Please stop sending LSU e-mails. You are merely creating a nuisance and thus ill will towards LSU" shows exactly how biased some media are against LSU. Even if LSU fans emailed the same email 1,000,000 times to him, it should not influence his vote. If it does, he should not be a voter. His voting should be based on the season's results, which have been formatted in a pro-LSU light in the emails sent to him. For the record, it appears only about 10-20 emails have actually gotten to such voters, as a voter from Utah responded that he was suprised at the organization and spirit of LSU fans, as he had received about a dozen emails from them.

    Should we stop emailing now? Yes, unless you have more information that has not been exposed already. Should we feel bad that we emailed them, as the Dallas writer suggests? I don't think so. As fans, we are the only reason these writers are in business. We listen to them spout opinions, opinions that SHOULD be based on evidence. When we so feel that the opinions are not being based on sound evidence, we SHOULD set out the evidence. And they should be open to listen to us, not because we are fans, but because we have valid arguments.

    The evidence compiled is extremely persuasive in my opinion. Notice how there is no USC essay refuting the significant claims of LSU fans. Some may say that it's because USC fans have better things to deal with (go to their board to see how that argument does not fly). Notice also that the Dallas reporters' email did nothing to argue against LSU fans. He has the time to personalize emails saying how angry he is? Why didn't he just come up with a quick rebuttal, explaining how USC deserves #2? He could copy and paste that message to all the LSU emails. But no, LSU's argument, IF LSU beats UGA, is much stronger.
  2. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    I have no problem with classy emails sent to writers. I agree that large numbers would be very bad. Ugly emails will do nothing to help LSU's rep and will probably result in negative bias in future years with the AP, so please keep it clean and tasteful.
  3. Vega$$ainT

    Vega$$ainT Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Ok, you need to think though, All teams have fans who send e-mails to writers. You will not sway their opinion because they have other teams fans keeping the balance.

  4. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Hey LSU, where can I see what this Dallas writer said?
  5. TundraTiger

    TundraTiger Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    We are just trying to inform them. Going 1-1 in your conference against teams with a winning record is very sad. If USC is so good they should be undefeated in that pit of a conference.
  6. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    I e-mailed Skip Bayless of the San Jose Mercury after I saw him on Rome Is Burning and he was supporting LSU with a very logical and non-biased viewpoint.

    I was impressed, and sent him some very specific and relevant information in relation to his very specific argument...

    He sent me a long e-mail in response in a reply...I think I actually made a new friend....

    ....and NO-you morons-not THAT kind of new friend...The kind that's nice to have in your corner when it comes to having Pro-LSU information out there on a national stage such as he has access to.
  7. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    welcome back TE...glad to see you are making new "friends"
  8. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Welcome back? Where did I go?
  9. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    everyone has been looking for you today. check out the basketball program like duke's thread
  10. LSU

    LSU Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Great message by Tigerark I read on the Tigerroar:

    Emails are being debated hot and heavy this afternoon. To email or
    not to email? The sad thing here is that an email has to be
    sent to anyone in the first place. It is absurd that individuals
    are allowed to give their OPINION on rankings and not have to
    BACK UP their decision making. To make things worse, you all
    as fans are made to feel like you did wrong by emailing these
    BOZO'S when you really have the right to do so. The writer
    in Dallas should value what was said and should have been
    respectful to the emailer's. I understand that multiple emails
    are irritating but these guys put themselves in this position
    when they agreed to be Pollsters. I had 350 emails on my
    business computer this morning myself (some important and
    some not) and surely never thought of sending a hateful email
    back to the senders. It just comes with the territory when
    you serve and answer the public (p.s. these guys have jobs,
    are paid to deal with the public and can be fired).

    The bottom line here is that the SYSTEM is seriously flawed
    and allows a group of people to control the money that is
    alloted to conferences through a bowl system. Congress is
    looking at making laws to change the system because it is
    flawed. Use these email responses to illustrate that the
    pollsters do not want an objective opinion. Give them to your
    Congresspeople and demand reform. Positive changes will be
    made voluntarily once enough public outrage comes and
    lawmakers start moving on behalf of their constituents to
    make change. Even if LSU does not make it, this situation
    can be a positive to make the playing field more even for all
    conferences so truly good teams can get the respect they
    deserve in the future. Just my opinion.

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