I've held out from posting on here, and this is going to make a lot of people go, "Ohhhh. It makes sense!" but I figure I want to see which way the conversation goes from the following statement: I've never been drunk.
OK . . . then you must be: 1. Mormon or Muslim 2. Alergic to alcohol 3. Some Kind Of A Kook 4. Alumni of a seminary 5. Tragically uncool, with not a single tequilla story, or . . . 6. Perfectly Zen-balanced
I cannot admit to anything in this thread.... You see my mom is a huge LSU fan, and even though I'm pushing 40....uhh well, my mom is also a TF fan...:redface: There's some things your mom should NEVER read about you!
so i should avoid the story about seeing you and jw at the strip club in mexico? and the donkey? ok just cuz i like you.
I don't really understand it, if that makes any sense. People say they do it to loosen up, but I find I'm already plenty kooky enough. That's not to say I haven't had alcohol before, but only with my dad while sailing or at fancy restaurants I can get a glass of wine if I want. It's just that I don't. I don't like the people I know when they're drunk (except for my friend Mark, whose diction actually improves when he's wasted: see the time during finals we were all studying and he got drunk because he got finished before the rest of us, and we went to cane's and he had a political and philosophical discussion without even being able to walk straight.) and I know for a fact that I'd be a very angry drunk. Alcoholism runs in my family as well, as far as my mother's side goes. I look like my dad, but I have many of my mother's quirks. I'm actually Christian, and also feel that waiting until I'm 21 is good enough justification to hold off the peer pressure until it's time to tell them that I just don't want to.