So there I was in my hotel in Miami. I went up to my room to shower after just winning the happy hour drinking contest in the bar where I was the only competitor. I showered. While drying off, I noticed the maid hadn't cleared the breakfast tray from the room, so I decided to set it out in the hall. I opened the door, naked, to set the tray out. I positioned my back foot to catch the door before it shut. Next thing I heard was "click". There I was, locked out, naked, overserved. So I grabbed the red cloth from the tray, covered myself, and headed for the elevators, where I knew they had "floor phones" to contact the desk. On the way there, I heard the elevator bell and the doors open. This guy and his wife are now headed right towards me. She screams. He calls me a pervert. They sprint by me to their room. He has his fists locked. I get to the phone and call down. Minutes later a bellman appears off the elevator with another room key. The guy is friggen gay. He opens my door and I urge him away. I promise myself to never drink again. I went to bed. The next morning I remember my promise. I also remember my wife's planned a big neighborhood party at our house when I get home. I went down for breakfast. Had a bloody mary.
hawker, don't you watch movies???!!! this kind of thing happens all the time. swearing off drinking is like swearing off women. it sounds good until there's a tall glass of goodness in front of you and then you realize it was crazy talk from the start.
:thumb: International drinking stories are the best! My best friend and I were in Matsue, Japan the summer before we started LSU and hung out with some guys from Ireland. Karoke in Japan is a lot different then in South LA but by 11pm and a few too many Asahi we couldn't take their rendentions of Madonna and Michael Jackson anymore! We took the stage and put them all to shame but were politely told at 4am "No more please. " :hihi: We now have a policy. Only sing Karoke in Japan where no one knows you. :yelwink2:
tiger327, that was you that I saw karaoke-ing to Hanson's "mmmmm-bop" in the Quarter over the weekend!
I've karaoked once in my entire life. I told myself that I needed to do it before I die and I shot a sh*tload of Jaeger and did it. I would probably get kicked off the forums if I told you what song it was, but I did it and got it over with and I will never karaoke ever ever again.