Let's see...About 7 years removed from high school, I was at an old g/f's house drinking myself stupid. (Otherwise, this story would not fit:thumb: ) Anyway, when I get drunk, I love prank calling friends. I especially love getting voicemails, then I can talk forever and really crack myself up. Okay, enough background info...on this particular night, I decided to call a guy from high school who I never really got along with. I wouldn't say I picked on him, cause I wasn't the bully type, but we were both part of a group of friends and he and I never really saw eye to eye. So, I call his parents' home (he had an easy # to remember) and they informed me that he had since moved, gotten married, had a kid and all that. So, I finish talking to the parents, and continue to drink. Now, I don't know why, but I called back. This was much later in the night, after finishing off a bottle of pucker with the rest of the people in the house. This time, I think they were aggravated with me (I can't imagine why) and they threatened to call the police. Well, I am feeling pretty invincible at this point, and tell them to do it. This, of course, after I curse them out lower than dirt. Here is the dumbest part. I proceed to give them my real name, real #, and real address. Everything else is a blur, and all I got the next morning was a voicemail telling me never to call again, and that the police had been notified. I guess not the most riskaay of events, but pretty foolish. Moral of the story: Only drunk prank call friends you know you can trust and that you currently still talk to.
was about to get some one new year's eve with a chick slightly less drunk than i was. once we got to the bed though the room started spinning like the wizard of oz and i lost my dinner. luckily i made it to the bathroom 1st. by the time i got back she was passed out. so i just did the noble thing and passed out on the floor. overall not really something i could end up on cops for, but missing the chance to ring in the new year with a chick way too cute for me (thanks again, alcohol!) was pretty dumb.
speaking of noble, thanking alcohol is the most noble thing ever. You and big wee (oxymoron) had good stories. I also like a chick who beats up a homeless bitch. thats the best.
i was worried about my story since it didn't involve harrassing people or jail time. i was never a stupid drunk but i had friends who were. like the guys who try to sniff freon out of a/c units and piss in their closets. but yeah, i think homeless girl chickfight wins.
I have a few that could easily top it, but I would hate to see my typed confession pop up when I least expect it! :wink: :thumb:
alcohol was responsible for about 90% of my hookups through high school and college. i had to give props.
a wise man is one who not only knows his limitations but also the weaknesses of a hot skank. ----aristotle
Wow...great thread. We could make this a daily thread, and I think I could go into 2009 with solid contributions. Probably the most dangerous was getting into a fight with a local at this gigantic nightclub in Thailand. A co-worker and I had gone out on the town with some local girls. We were leaving this one particular club, quite hammered and having a great time. Well, I came out of the bathroom, and saw a local dude really getting into it with one of the girls. I assumed it was nothing, and started heading toward the door. Then, I saw him grab her arm and smack her in the face. Wrong move. I went after him and we kinda pushed each other out the door. He was rather scrawny and I'm not, which was not good for him. We hit each other in the process, and I didn't recall that there were stairs right outside the door. I gave him a good shove, and was shocked to see him flying down a flight of stairs. He wasn't moving, so I'm not sure how that ended up. I decided we should leave. My buddies and most of the girls were already in a cab, so the girl and I ran to the cab and hopped in. She yelled some Thai to the driver, who yelled at me, she translated, "Give him money" so I threw some baht at him and we took off. Turns out there were cops at the club and a block away that were "interested" in what happened. We took off into traffic and went to another club. As impressed as everyone was with my display of American heroism, the night ended with me noticing a patch of skin missing from my knuckle a few hours later (stupid Thai face cut it I guess) and passed out shortly thereafter.