Very nice. I wish I could get mine to hold like that. She still likes to stop 10 ft in front of me, drop the duck, and start plucking it. LOL always a work in progress.
After the hunt. Nephew's dad (who taught me to duck hunt 30 years ago) said this was one of the best hunts he has ever had.
Did yall have any luck? I have been in and around that area for the last week and a half without too much luck myself. This Sat I bagged 1 mottled duck, and yesterday I bagged 1 gwt. Not seeing much of anything, except high flying geese, in the area.
It wasn't great as far as birds. Great weather with all the fog, not much flying though. Gumbo made her first real unassisted retrieve on Saturday on a goose hunt in a wheat field. Then on Sunday made her first water retrieve on a duck hunt. So a great weekend for Gumbo and I. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Doing an upland hunt training this weekend with Tejas in Katy this Saturday. Also going to try and check out this training club in Peterson.
I am getting reports that this front pushed quiet a few new birds to the prairie. I'm going to get after it Fri, Sat, and Sun. My dad is coming in to make a few hunts with me, so it will be fun either way. So, are you cross training Gumbo to do field hunting and waterfowl hunting? That is pretty impressive!
Yes, although I focused more on the retrieving to this point because that is the type of hunting I do mostly and I will do more ukc hunt test than upland type hunts. Just happens my ukc club is doing a upland hunt training day this Saturday. She is a pointer, and her breed is purposed to be both pointer and retriever, a true versatile hunting dog breed. DKV Testing and Breeding Regulations, JGHV Testing Reguirements I need to find some wild rabbits, because that is what they use for her Derby test. That test is in September so still have some time. Had her on some rabbits this past weekend, they were all over the wheat fields, but she kept getting distracted by the small birds. This was just after our duck hunt as we were walking out.
Another slow weekend in the blind. 1 hen pintail on Friday, and 1 gray duck on Sat. The birds are very blind/bank shy at this point. Time to abandon the mojo duck, drop in the full choke, and start firing BB shot.