Sucked. Rained the entire time. Only killed one. Had three pintails come and lock up then circle again. I always had a rule in my blind that if pintails come even marginally in range you shoot. I was with two other guys who hesitated, they never came back. It was still pretty to see them.
Foggy rainy day. Geese were low and ducks were flying. Would have limited but a mallard swam off on me. Its been great all week. Lots of teal and greys. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Dang, I was hoping to see you do well. I can relate to that predicament though. I hunt with some guys who want every shot to be ducks sitting in the decoys in front of them. My rule of thumb with pintails is 2 circles, after that I will pull up and try to shoot even if it is a low percentage shot. They really are fun to watch though.
Chels and I made pretty quick work of the ducks this morning. Limited in just over 1 hr. 3 gads, 2 spoonies, and 1 mottled duck. It stormed pretty good for the first 30 mins, then slacked to a light rain. All birds were pretty responsive to calling, but are still bank/blind shy. Chelsea made some nice retrieves today. The mottled duck was a pretty marginal shot and it was not a clean kill. He tried to get away, but Chels ran him down. I closed on a double of 2 gads, and Chels made a really nice double retrieve. She brought the first one back then I lined her up for the 2nd problem. You will notice her looking up over me in the photo. As I snapped the picture 3 more gads were locked up and coming into the decoys. As soon as I took the picture I turned and they were about 25 ft in front of me. It was funny because they just sat there for a few minutes as if nothing was going on. Great morning with the pup!!!
Been shooting lots of green wing teals and greys. 1 red head and a few scaup here and there and 1 mallard hen. Try and let the reds and scaup go. Only saw geese yesterday, geese are rare here in the marsh. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Last Friday's hunt: 1 pintail and 1 gadwall. We had a flock of gads who wanted to comit, but one of the guys' dog flared them by trying to run after them as they were coming in. :angryfire:angryfire:angryfire
This morning just Chelsea and I went out: 4 Wigeon (3 drakes, 1 hen). They came in 1 flock of about 30 birds, that I had been calling from across the rice field. As they locked up and started waddling I fired my fist shot and dropped 2, then hit the other 2 with the next 2 shots. First time I have ever quadrupled! Great Morning! The drake on the far left (top in this pic) is going on the wall. Nice colors and a good sprig too.
This is my niece after last year's Thanksgiving hunt. Her first shot, as God is my witness, she killed 4 woodies. None of us could believe it as we were picking them up. She only fired one shot, none of us fired. We thought she got 2, then two of us each found another. Once in a million shot. Good thing we had a couple of us not over our limit, as she went over with her only shot!